Program Directory

Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee - 5-27-2020
Sub. H. B. No. 251*
Lang, Hillyer
Shorten the period of limitations for actions on acontract
5th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party(Possible Amendments)

S. B. No. 3*
Eklund, O'Brien
Express intent to reform drug sentencing laws
12th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party

H. B. No. 1
Plummer, HicksHudson
Modify intervention in lieu of conviction/sealing requirements
4th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party(Possible Amendments)

S. B. No. 308
Huffman, M.
Regards civil liability of service providers in emergency
4th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party(Possible Amendments)

Am. Sub. H. B. No.136
Prohibit death penalty if mentally ill at time of offense
6th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party
May 27, 2020