00:00:13Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 2734/ Sen.Tavares seconds
00:01:23Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:01:31Roll Call/Amendment tabled
00:01:57Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 5046 / Sen. Tavares seconds
00:02:39Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:02:47Roll Call/ Amendment tabled
00:03:11Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 4808/ Sen. Gentile seconds
00:05:15Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:05:23Roll Call/ Amendment tabled
00:05:46Sen. Tavares moves SC 4528/ Sen. Skindell seconds
00:09:25Sen. Sawyer comments to Amendment
00:10:40Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:10:46Roll Call/ Amendment tabled
00:11:23Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 3412 / Sen. Tavares seconds
00:12:07Sen. Gardner comments
00:12:32Amendment becomes part of the Bill
00:12:40Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 2579 / Sen. Gentile seconds
00:13:32No objection/Amendment becomes part of the Bill
00:14:01Sen. Gentile moves to amend SC 3333 / Sen. Tavares seconds
00:15:16Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:15:35Roll Call/ Amendment Tabled
00:16:02Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 4733 / Sen. Tavares seconds
00:17:25Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:17:35Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:17:58Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 4515 / Sen. Gentile seconds
00:19:04Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:19:15Roll Call/ Amendment tabled
00:19:52Sen. Skindell comments
00:21:10Chair moves SC 4616 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:22:47No Objection/Becomes part of the Bill
00:23:19Chair moves SC 5116 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:23:33Chair reads Amendment
00:24:16Chair moves SC 4751-3/ Sen. Coley seconds
00:25:20No Objection becomes part of the Bill
00:25:56Chair moves SC 5058-1/ Sen. Coley seconds
00:26:03Members read Amendment
00:27:07Sen Skindell Q&A
00:28:01No Objection becomes part of the Bill
00:28:52Chair moves SC 5512-1 / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:29:00No objection becomes part of the Bill
00:29:47Chair moves SC 2246 / Sen Coley seconds
00:30:15Sen. Skindell Objects
00:30:21Roll Call / Amendment becomes part of Bill
00:31:20Chair moves SC 5079 /Sen. Coley seconds
00:31:41Sen. Skindell Objects
00:31:43Roll Call
00:32:34Chair moves SC 4562 / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:32:37Roll Call / Amendment becomes part of the Bill
00:33:28Chair moves SC 4561-1 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:33:47Roll Call / Amendment becomes part of the Bill
00:35:26Chair moves SC 5132 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:36:06No objection becomes part of Bill
00:36:51Chair moves SC 5134 / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:37:51Chair moves SC 575135-1 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:37:56No objection becomes part of Bill
00:38:34Chair moves SC 2660-1 / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:38:45No objection becomes part of Bill
00:39:27Chair moves SC 4607-1 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:39:48No objection Amendment becomes part of Bill
00:40:33Chair moves SC 5141 /Sen. Coley seconds
00:41:28Sen. Skindell has a question
00:41:34Sen. Coley Answers
00:42:05Sen. Skindell objects
00:42:07Roll Call /Amendment becomes part of the Bill
00:42:43Chair moves SC 2990 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:42:55No objection becomes part of Bill
00:43:29Sen. Peterson moves SC 4667-2 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:44:41No objection becomes part of Bill
00:44:58Sen. Peterson moves SC 5123 / Chair seconds
00:45:25Sen. Gentile seconds
00:45:29No objection becomes part of Bill
00:46:07Sen. LaRose motions to amend SC 5144 / Sen. Patton seconds
00:47:17Sen. Sawyer Q&A to sponsor
00:47:40No objection becomes part of Bill
00:47:54Stands at ease
00:48:07Chair moves SC 5124-2 / Sen. Coley seconds
00:48:31No objection becomes part of Bill
00:49:54Break for 30 minutes
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Note : Transcripts are compiled from uncorrected captions