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00:00:04My passion is art.
00:00:06My life is art.
00:00:12Just because you¿re disabled
00:00:14doesn¿t mean you can¿t live your life.
00:00:25I am participating with other artists
00:00:29from all over the state of Ohio who
00:00:31have convened together to work with
00:00:34a master artist Kong Ho from the
00:00:38University of Pittsburg.
00:00:40He is a muralist,
00:00:41and we as a group
00:00:43have a diverse background.
00:00:46Each one of us may have
00:00:47a different discipline.
00:00:49All are not visual artists.
00:00:51Some are writers.
00:00:52Some are photographers,
00:00:54but we are collaborating
00:00:56to create a mural to commemorate
00:01:01the twentieth anniversary of the
00:01:03Americans with Disabilities
00:01:05Act which was signed on July 26th 1990.
00:01:13VSA Ohio is the main coordinating body
00:01:17and we have been partnering very
00:01:19closely and have amazing support for the
00:01:21Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission.
00:01:26We always said under the same sky, you know.
00:01:28We are living together¿with so many people
00:01:31with different abilities.
00:01:33That is my major idea.
00:01:39Everything is not one-sided, you know.
00:01:41There¿s a lot of different sides to things.
00:01:43So just be more inclusive and more aware
00:01:45that there¿s people out there with
00:01:47disabilities that are just a little bit
00:01:48different than you, and just take some
00:01:50consideration for that.
00:01:52We really wanted to travel to all of Ohio
00:01:54so that rural, urban, suburban everyone
00:01:56sees that people with disabilities are
00:01:58everywhere, art is everywhere, and this
00:02:00is here and it's making a statement everywhere.
00:02:04And I hope what people will get out of it
00:02:07is when they look at it they¿ll be able to
00:02:09see their own journey.
00:02:10So when other people
00:02:11with disabilities look at it they¿ll sort
00:02:13of say "Oh man, I feel like this part of
00:02:15the mural." Or other people will look at
00:02:16another part of the mural and sort of get some
00:02:18sort of feeling or something like that.
00:02:20And it might sort of portray part
00:02:22of their own life back to them.
00:03:25We really want people to observe the mural,
00:03:29get a feel for the fact that these are
00:03:31individuals with disabilities from across
00:03:32the state of Ohio who have wonderful abilities.
00:03:35Not just artistic talent but talents that
00:03:38can be used for other occupational activities
00:03:41and for employment activities and that¿s
00:03:43what RSC is really.
00:03:45Our agency works to help
00:03:47people with disabilities to obtain and maintain
00:03:49employment, so being able to recognize and
00:03:52encourage people to understand how people
00:03:55with disabilities have lots of abilities
00:03:56is something we really want to target.
00:04:01Mental illness has run in my family.
00:04:02And if my family didn¿t have access to
00:04:06those kinds of services they would have
00:04:09a really hard time and I think that
00:04:10maybe some of them might not be with
00:04:12us anymore. So, I'm glad to be a part
00:04:14of this organization.
00:04:18Not everything revolves around a paycheck.
00:04:20Especially once you go through what
00:04:22I¿ve gone through, you kind of readjust your
00:04:26priorities and realize that living in the
00:04:30moment and enjoying it is more important
00:04:31than maybe being the best or even being
00:04:37really accepted by other people.
00:04:39It¿s one of those things.
00:04:40Learn how to accept yourself.
00:04:42I hope it inspires other people with
00:04:43disabilities not to be afraid.
00:04:46What I hope they will see is
00:04:48"now we see how they can do it."
00:04:51And I think both the design of the mural,
00:04:53which has been described to me,
00:04:55and the fact that all of us working together,
00:04:57even though I don¿t hold a paintbrush
00:04:59in my hand, I feel every bit as much a
00:05:01part of this as any visual artist.
00:05:03So that¿s what I hope they¿ll come away with.
Note : Transcripts are compiled from uncorrected captions