Senator Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) and Representative Tavia Galonski (D-Akron) host the 10th Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Day at the Ohio Statehouse.
This year's focus is on the opioid crisis and how it impacts and elevates the risk of human trafficking in Ohio.
Moderator: Rachelle VanAken
-Anne Victory, HM, RN, MSN, Director of Education, Collaborative to End Human Trafficking
-Amy Briski, Educator, Ohio Association of School Nurses
-Candace Miller, RN, BSN, Ohio State Wexner Medical Center
-Ruth Downing, MSN, RN, CNP SANE-A, Dir. of Project Development, Forensic Nursing Network Inc.
-Karen Fields, MS, BSN, RN, Program Manager, STD Clinic, Columbus Public Health
-Annette Mango, Survivor