This program gives Ohioans a weekly update on legislation brought up for third consideration in the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives during the week of February 10th.
The Ohio Senate passed Amended Substitute House Bill 19, sponsored by Representative Thompson, designating several new memorial highways.
Also passed was Substitute House Bill 95, sponsored by Representative Hill, relative to certificates recognizing the delivery of a stillborn infant.
Substitute House Bill 144 also passed this week. Sponsored by Representative Kunze, this bill revises the laws regarding the sale of alternative nicotine products to minors.
Substitute Senate Bill 263, sponsored by Senators Peterson and Beagle, requiring the tax commissioner to notify taxpayers of tax or fee overpayment, passed as well.
The Ohio Senate presented one resolution during the week of February 10th.
In the Ohio House of Representatives, Amended Senate Bill 194 was passed. This bill, sponsored by Senator Seitz, allows certain motor-driven cycles and motor scooters to be parked on a sidewalk.
Also passed was Substitute House Bill 320, sponsored by Representative Young, relative to free clinics and volunteer health care services.
Amended Substitute House Bill 49 was also passed, sponsored by Representatives Dovilla and Retherford, revising the laws regarding the provision of adult protective services.
House Bill 270 was passed. This bill, sponsored by Representative Rogers, designates October 16th as "Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day."
Amended Substitute House Bill 309 also passed this week. Sponsored by Representatives Pelanda and Antonio, this bill prohibits numerous fees in certain civil actions and juvenile proceedings.
The Ohio House of Representatives presented several resolutions during the week of February 10th.
This has been your legislative update for the week of February 10th. You can catch live coverage of the Ohio House and Senate right here or at
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