Nicole Luthy, director of the Ohio Resource Center, offers insight into ilearnOhio, a virtual clearinghouse for online courses offered by multiple providers for Ohio students in grades K-12.
Jim Vincent of the Stark/Portage Area Computer Consortium provides information about SPARCC, which provides support for technology to school districts in Stark, Portage, and Carroll counties in Northeast Ohio. SPARCC's mission is to provide high quality support for the selection, acquisition, installation, maintenance and integration of technology into the learning community.
Ohio's Digital Learning Task Force was created by created by H.B. 153 and is charged with evaluating the shape of technology and education in the years to come, and to provide insight and guidance into where the state's place should be in the national landscape of digital learning. It was established to develop a strategy for the expansion of digital learning that enables students to customize their education, produces cost savings, and meets the needs of Ohio's economy.
Task Force Members:
- Robert Sommers, Director, 21st Century Education
- Representative Matt Huffman, Fourth District
- Senator Peggy Lehner, Sixth District
- Gary Cates, Senior Vice Chancellor, Board of Regents
- Dan Badea, Technology Consultant, Department of Education
- Susan Stagner, VP State Relations, Connections Academy
- Scott Kern, Chief Financial Officer, ECOT
- John Marschhausen, Superintendent, Loveland School District
- David Axner , Superintendent, Dublin City Schools
- Eric Gordon, Superintendent, Cleveland City Schools
- Troy McIntosh, Principal, Worthington Christian Schools