H.B. No. 324
Rep. Click, Rep. Lipps
Enact Shirley and Wilma's Law
4th Hearing
All Testimony
H.B. No. 378
Rep. Koehler, Rep. Fowler-Arthur
Regarding pretreatment notice about the possibility of reversing a mifepristone abortion.
1st Hearing
Sponsor Testimony
H.B. No. 474
Rep. Lightbody
To designate the third Friday of November as "The Night We Remember" in honor of those whose lives have been touched by cancer.
1st Hearing
Sponsor Testimony
H.B. No. 50
Rep. Miranda
Enact Paiges's Law: re medical identifying devices
2nd Hearing
Proponent Testimony
H.B. No. 196
Rep. Kelly, Rep. Carruthers
Regulate the practice of surgical assistants
4th Hearing
All Testimony