00:00:00Convene Session
00:00:06Comments - Sen. Sykes
00:00:26Comments - William Gary, Executive Vice President, Workforce Community and Economic Development Division, Cuyahoga Community College
00:02:07Roll Call
00:02:35Comments - Sen. Sykes
00:04:24Testimony - Gerald Barna
00:09:45Testimony - Daniel Bruce
00:13:19Testimony - George Bohan III
00:17:11Comments - Sen. Sykes
00:18:13Testimony - Deborah Dalke
00:23:36Q&A - Auditor Faber
00:27:46Testimony - Barbara Friedman-Yaksic
00:32:58Testimony - Ralph Turek
00:38:43Comments - Sen. Sykes
00:40:04Testimony - Chris Glassburn, Project Govern
00:51:16Q&A - Audience
00:53:00Q&A - Leader Sykes
00:55:21Q&A - Auditor Faber
00:58:09Q&A - Audience
01:01:36Q&A - Sen. Huffman
01:04:48Q&A - Auditor Faber
01:08:13Q&A - Sec. of State LaRose
01:09:56Q&A - Audience
01:10:18Comments - Sen. Sykes
01:12:57Testimony - Brian Glassman
01:17:31Testimony - Mark Griffiths
01:23:16Testimony - Robert Howard
01:27:20Testimony - Tom Jackson
01:33:44Comment - Speaker Cupp
01:34:09Testimony - Barbara Kaplan
01:38:42Testimony - Stephen Kellat
01:42:47Testimony - Caitlin Johnson
01:47:43Testimony - Jay Ketchaver
01:49:32Testimony - Catherine LaCroix
01:54:22Testimony - Karen Leith
02:00:11Testimony - Dale Miller
02:05:34Testimony - Rep. Kent Smith
02:10:24Testimony - Rev. Marvin McMickle
02:15:11Testimony - Kevin Conwell
02:19:51Q&A - Sec. of State LaRose
02:21:18Testimony - Rep. Terrence Upchurch
02:22:16Q&A - Leader Sykes
02:26:00Testimony - Rev. Anthony Small
02:28:16Q&A - Auditor Faber
02:29:43Comments - Sec. of State LaRose
02:30:09Q&A - Leader Sykes
02:32:42Testimony - Katie Paris
02:36:18Testimony - Jaqueline Peck
02:38:48Testimony - Peter Petto
02:45:24Testimony - Daniel Sweeney
02:50:16Testimony - Rob Thompson
02:54:22Testimony - Robin Turner
02:58:10Testimony - Sue Dyke on behalf of Maureen Welch
03:04:36Q&A - Sec. of State LaRose
03:09:09Testimony - Tessa Xuan
03:14:28Q&A - Leader Sykes
03:16:23Testimony - Rep. Juanita Brent
03:21:10Comments - Sec. of State LaRose
03:21:55Testimony - Jaladah Aslam
03:26:30Testimony - Kelly Goshe
03:33:07Comments - Sec. of State LaRose
03:33:18Testimony - David Guram
03:36:56Comments - Sen. Sykes
03:37:45Testimony - Laura Irvin
03:43:17Testimony - Randall Nichols
03:46:45Testimony - Sheri Obrenski
03:51:13Testimony - Virginia Weiss on behalf of Pam Mascio
03:57:22Testimony - Anastasia Pantsios
04:01:08Testimony - James Trutko
04:06:35Testimony - Dolores Gray
04:11:17Testimony - Tim Clarke
04:15:45Testimony - Janice Simmons-Mortimer
04:20:23Testimony - Crystal Gnau
04:25:49Testimony - Carolyn Hardin-Levine
04:30:30Testimony - Mimi Plevin-Foust
04:36:01Testimony - Angela Shute-Woodson
04:39:40Q&A - Speaker Cupp
04:40:56Q&A - Auditor Faber
04:41:46Testimony - Loh
04:45:06Testimony - Eugene Ward
04:49:18Testimony - Justin Evaristo
04:53:16Testimony - Michael Pellegrino
04:58:45Q&A - Sen. Sykes
05:00:04Testimony - Lori Kumler
05:02:13Testimony - Sue Dyke
05:05:45Comments - Auditor Faber
05:08:05Testimony - Kristi Hadgigeorge
05:12:39Testimony - Jimmy Germalic
05:19:20Testimony - Emily Bacha
05:23:04Testimony - Rep. Stephanie Howse
05:28:01Q&A - Sec. of State LaRose
05:29:26Q&A - Auditor Faber
05:33:39Comments - Speaker Cupp
05:34:16Testimony - Greg Moore
05:38:34Testimony - Rev. Seth Bridger
05:44:50Testimony - Elliot Forhan
05:50:14Testimony - John Patterson
05:54:21Comments - Sen. Sykes
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Note : Transcripts are compiled from uncorrected captions