00:00:00Convene ORSC Subcommittee
00:00:04Roll Call
00:00:47SERS Actuarial Audit - Bethany Rhodes
00:01:47Q&A - Rep. Bird
00:02:38SERS Actuarial Audit - Vote
00:03:23Adjourn Subcommittee
00:03:25Convene ORSC
00:03:27Roll Call
00:04:25Point of Personal Privilege - Sen. Romanchuk
00:05:38SERS Actuarial Audit Contract
00:06:21SERS Actuarial Audit Contract - Vote
00:07:07Standardized Forms
00:07:18Report - Jeff Bernard, Senior Research Associate
00:17:42Q&A - Dr. Podojil, Member, Governor's Appointee
00:18:27Comment - Sen. Romanchuk
00:18:52Comment - Dr. Podojil, Member, Governor's Appointee
00:19:26Q&A - Mr. Scherer, Member, Governor's Appointee
00:25:59Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
00:26:42Standardized Forms - Vote
00:27:36S.B. No. 168 Report
00:28:51OPERS Internal Audit Report
00:29:11Testimony - Karen Carraher, Executive Director, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
00:31:57Q&A - Rep. Piccolantonio
00:34:12STRS Internal Audit Report
00:34:26Testimony - Robert Vance, Chief Audit Executive, State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio
00:36:46Q&A - Dr. Podojil, Member, Governor's Appointee
00:37:48Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
00:40:19Comment - Jeff Bernard, Senior Research Associate
00:41:51Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
00:42:25Comment - Bethany Rhodes, Director/General Counsel, Ohio Retirement Study Council
00:42:56Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
00:44:07Comment - Sen. Hicks-Hudson
00:45:14Q&A - Dr. Podojil, Member, Governor's Appointee
00:46:33Comment - Mr. Scherer, Member, Governor's Appointee
00:47:51SERS Internal Audit Report
00:48:07Testimony - Richard Stensrud, Executive Director, School Employees Retirement System of Ohio
00:50:19Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
00:51:12OP&F Internal Audit Report
00:51:25Testimony - Mary Beth Foley, Executive Director, Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund
00:53:51OHPRS Internal Audit Report
00:54:01Testimony - Carl Roark, Executive Director, Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System
00:55:11Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
00:56:19Comment - Jeff Bernard, Senior Research Associate
00:57:20OPERS Healthcare Report
00:57:32Testimony - Karen Carraher, Executive Director, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
01:06:29Q&A - Rep. Piccolantonio
01:08:15OP&F Healthcare Report
01:08:26Testimony - Mary Beth Foley, Executive Director, Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund
01:11:22Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
01:12:26OHPRS Healthcare Report
01:12:34Testimony - Carl Roark, Executive Director, Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System
01:14:11STRS Disability Report
01:14:24Testimony - Marla Bump, State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio
01:16:25Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
01:18:03Comment - Dr. Podojil, Member, Governor's Appointee
01:19:08SERS Disability Report
01:19:20Testimony - Richard Stensrud, Executive Director, School Employees Retirement System of Ohio
01:21:15Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
01:21:58Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability and its Amortization
01:23:13Q&A - Sen. Romanchuk
01:24:04Comment - Karen Carraher, Executive Director, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
01:24:36Brochures and Data Sheets
01:28:59Q&A - Dr. Podojil, Member, Governor's Appointee
01:33:34Old and New Business - Rep. Plummer
01:34:22Employee Handbook Changes - Vote
01:34:50Old and New Business - Bethany Rhodes, Director/General Counsel, Ohio Retirement Study Council
01:35:37Point of Personal Privilege - Bethany Rhodes, Director/General Counsel, Ohio Retirement Study Council
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