00:00:00Convene committee
00:00:02Roll call
00:00:52Reviewal of minutes
00:01:08Governor's appointments
00:02:14Sub. H.B. No. 541
00:02:35Offering of an amendment - Sen. Burke
00:03:49Comment - Sen. Gardner
00:05:03Recommendation of bill to committee - Sen. Beagle
00:05:51Sub. H.B. No. 119
00:06:05Offering of an amendment - Sen. Burke
00:07:03Testimony - Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, Ohio Association of Foodbanks
00:20:48Q&A - Sen. Thomas
00:22:32Followup - Sen. Thomas
00:25:44Q&A - Sen. Tavares
00:27:01Q&A - Sen. Lehner
00:28:14Q&A - Sen. Hackett
00:30:36Q&A - Sen. Thomas
00:33:05Comment - Sen. Burke
00:35:39Q&A - Sen. Sykes
00:36:27Sub. H.B. No. 131
00:36:43Recommendation of bill to committee - Sen. Beagle
00:37:29S.B. No. 56
00:37:38Offering of substitute bill
00:39:14Referral of bill to committee - Sen. Lehner
00:40:11Sub. H.B. No. 167
00:40:27Testimony - Rep. Edwards
00:42:20H.B. No. 420
00:42:48Testimony - Rep. Boyd
00:46:08Testimony - Rep. Sykes
00:49:28Q&A - Sen. Lehner
00:50:23Q&A - Sen. Tavares
00:51:38Comment - Sen. Burke
00:51:56Comment - Sen. Sykes
00:52:20H.B. No. 479
00:52:36Testimony - Rep. Lipps
00:59:56Testimony - Nick Saltsman, Equitas Health
01:03:53Testimony - Pamela Jacques, Epilepsy Foundation Ohio
01:07:34Testimony - Ernest Boyd, The Ohio Pharmacy Association
01:12:06Q&A - Sen. Thomas
01:13:35Q&A - Sen. Tavares
01:14:42Am. Sub. H.B. No. 258
01:14:56Testimony - Rep. Hagan
01:30:41Testimony - Rep. Hood
01:33:26Q&A - Sen. Huffman
01:36:02Q&A - Sen. Tavares
01:37:47Followup - Sen. Tavares
01:39:42Testimony - Dr. David Forte
01:42:57Q&A - Sen. Lehner
01:44:53Followup - Sen. Lehner
01:46:38Q&A - Sen. Tavares
01:47:55Testimony - Pastor Rodney Lord
01:51:54Testimony - Milka Nier
01:55:50Testimony - Dennis Doody, M.D.
02:00:13Diane Cartolano
02:04:47Testimony - Rev. Katherine Marple
02:08:17Testimony - Linda Harvey, Mission America
02:11:55Q&A - Sen. Thomas
02:13:21Followup - Sen. Thomas
02:14:15Testimony - Pastor Johnathon Newman
02:17:39Testimony - Janet Porter, Faith2Action
02:23:35Testimony - Lori Viars, Warren County Right to Life
02:26:00Testimony - Pastor Daniel Kroger
02:28:18Testimony - Meg Wittman, Cincinnati Right to Life
02:31:44Testimony - Aaron Baer, Citizen for Community Values
02:34:42Testimony - Nathan Berning, Let Them Live
02:36:48Testimony - Emily Berning, Let Them Live
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