00:00:00Convene Session
00:00:01Roll Call
00:00:25H. B. No. 403
00:00:38Testimony - Sen. Al Cutrona
00:02:51Amendment - Sen. Reynolds
00:03:14Amendment - Sen. Reynolds
00:03:38Amendment - Sen. Reynolds
00:04:24Testimony - Joe Hollabaugh, Association of Professional Towers
00:09:11Testimony - Michael Guastella, Ohio Trucking Association
00:12:48Comment - Sen. Manning
00:13:12Sub. H. B. No. 289
00:13:19Amendment - Sen. Reynolds
00:13:56Amendment - Sen. Reynolds
00:14:12Comment - Sen. Hicks-Hudson
00:15:23Testimony - Steve Skovensky, Community Shelter Board
00:20:33Q&A - Sen. Hicks-Hudson
00:22:50Sub. H. B. No. 289 - Vote
00:23:25Sub. H. B. No. 366
00:23:44Substitute Bill - Sen. McColley
00:24:07Comment - Sen. Manning
00:24:38Sub. H. B. No. 265
00:24:44Substitute Bill - Sen. McColley
00:25:26Q&A - Sen. Dolan
00:26:08Sub. H. B. No. 37
00:26:14Substitute Bill - Sen. McColley
00:26:56Q&A - Sen. Hicks-Hudson
00:27:57Testimony - Bryan Wright, Proponent
00:39:52Testimony - Teresa Wright, Proponent
00:44:42Sub. H. B. No. 322
00:44:58S. B. No. 297
00:45:51Testimony - Faten Husni Odeh, Council on American-Islamic Relations
00:50:11Testimony - Gary Daniels, ACLU of Ohio
00:56:35Testimony - Terry Lodge, Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition/Sandusky County Citizens for Peace and Justice
01:01:31Testimony - Alexandra Stein, Jewish Voice for Peace Central Ohio
01:06:47Testimony - Khalid Turaani, Council on American-Islamic Relations
01:11:21Testimony - Ann Ghazy, Opponent
01:15:22Testimony - Patricia Marida, Opponent
01:19:43Testimony - Tal Shutkin, Opponent
01:24:40Testimony - Walaa Kanan, American Muslims for Palestine, Toledo Chapter
01:29:31Testimony - Jerah Pettibone, Jewish Voice for Peace
01:33:16Testimony - Dalal Shalash, Learn and Liberate
01:37:25Testimony - Alex Kempler, Jewish Voice for Peace/Jews for Justice in Palestine at OSU
01:37:46Comment - Sen. Manning
01:42:13Testimony - Shereen Naser, Opponent
01:42:36Comment - Sen. Manning
01:46:44Comment - Sen. Smith
01:47:38Testimony - Basma Hamid, CPAC
01:51:07Testimony - Eric Resnick, Jewish Voice for Peace
01:57:31Testimony - Jineen Musa, Opponent
02:03:54S. B. No. 297 - Vote
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