Am. H. B. No. 403CutronaCreate new causes of action re: vehicles towed after anaccident
1st Hearing,Sponsor/Proponent
Sub. H. B. No. 289*Robb Blasdel,SwearingenRegards SORN law compliance; add new sexuallyoriented offense
4th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party
S. B. No. 297*JohnsonDefine antisemitism; expand offense of ethnicintimidation
3rd Hearing,Opponent/Interested Party
Sub. H. B. No. 366GhanbariEnact FORCE Act re: organized retail theft
2nd Hearing,Opponent/Interested Party
Sub. H. B. No. 265Wiggam, HallExempt certain public service workers' forms fromdisclosure
2nd Hearing,Proponent
Sub. H. B. No. 37Johnson, Miller, K.Increase penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicularhomicide
3rd Hearing,Opponent/InterestedParty/Invite Only ProponentTestimony
Sub. H. B. No. 322Seitz, AbramsRegards childhood sexual abuse registrants, offense ofgrooming
3rd Hearing,Opponent/Interested Party