Sub. H. B. No. 366GhanbariEnact FORCE Act re: organized retail theft 1st Hearing,Sponsor/Proponent/Invite Only Testimony
Am. H. B. No. 111*LaRe, Miller, K.Increase sentence range for third degree felonydomestic violence4th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party
Sub. H. B. No. 234*Williams, RogersRegards imposing sentence on offender who enteredan Alford plea4th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party
S. B. No. 217Blessing, JohnsonRegards AI-generated products, simulated porn,identity fraud3rd Hearing,No Testimony
Sub. H. B. No. 289Robb Blasdel,SwearingenRegards SORN law compliance; add new sexuallyoriented offense3rd Hearing,Opponent/Interested Party
Sub. H. B. No. 531Lear, LorenzEnact Braden's Law to prohibit sexual extortion 3rd Hearing,Opponent/Interested Party
S. B. No. 297JohnsonDefine antisemitism; expand offense of ethnicintimidation2nd Hearing,Proponent
S. B. No. 101Antonio, Huffman,S.Abolish death penalty; modify juror challenges incertain cases4th Hearing,Proponent/Opponent/Interested Party/InviteOnly Testimony
Sub. H. B. No. 37Johnson, Miller, K.Increase penalties for OVI and aggravated vehicularhomicide2nd Hearing,Proponent*Possible Vote
Sub. H. B. No. 322Seitz, AbramsRegards childhood sexual abuse registrants, offense ofgrooming2nd Hearing,Proponent