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Columbus Metropolitan Club - Election Recap
Rep. Chris Redfern, Chairman, Ohio Democratic Party
Robert T. Bennett, Chairman, Ohio Republican Party
Moderated by: John Fortney, Anchor, WBNS 10TV

By Thursday, November 16, the political season might feel like ancient history. But, after such a rambunctious, entertaining and sometimes rather irritating political season, we just can't walk away from the opportunity to hear from the leaders of the two political parties.

So, CMC is providing Chair of the Ohio Republican Party Bob Bennett and Chair of the Ohio Democratic Party Chris Redfern with the perfect platform to play Monday-morning quarterback and fortune teller.

Bennett and Redfern will have a lot to talk about and even Mapquest and global positioning combined may not be enough to navigate the new territory. The political surroundings in Ohio may look as unfamiliar as a lunar landscape.

Some new folks may be elected, some incumbents may return.

Be he R or be he D, at a minimum, Ohio will have a new governor.
November 16, 2006