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Columbus Metropolitan Club - Organizational Gravity in a Weightless World
As businesses and organizations become increasingly global and virtual, what provides the organizational "gravity" that keeps us all connected, with our feet planed firmly on the ground?

It's the task of leaders to hold an organization together and keep people moving in the right direction. It's the difference between success and growth - to the benefit of all - or a business that flies apart, with deep collateral damage to employees, investors, markets and reputation. It's no small task. Today, more and more people work virtually with co-workers they seldom see, serving clients often worlds away. They also work at greater speed, and with all the risks of speed, especially in exercising ethically-sound business judgments. The result is a serious challenge for business leaders.

Deloitte & Touche USA CEO Barry Salzberg will discuss three forms of "gravity": Leadership - based on Deloitte & Touche USA's research into Gen Y's attitudes and expectations of leadership; Flexibility and Choice - today's four generations need to come together in the workforce; and Values and Judgment - expectations and ethics. He'll challenge you to take a 360 degree vie of the subject - beginning with yourself.

Salzberg has amassed a lengthy and impressive record of ascending responsibility and professional achievement during his 30-year tenure with Deloitte. For the past four years, Salzberg served as Managing Partner, working with former CEO James Quigley, to shape the firm's strategic vision and to help Deloitte & Touche USA reach unprecedented levels of revenue and business growth. As the architect of Deloitte's innovative and standard-setting talent management strategy, Salzberg has significantly contributed to building an internal culture of integrity, flexibility and professional development that has resulted in industry-leading retention rates. A staunch champion of diversity, Salzberg has played a key role in implementing initiatives that significantly increased the number of women and minorities at Deloitte.

July 11, 2007