Program Directory

Columbus Metropolitan Club - The Ballot Issues: A Panel Discussion
Moderated by: Ann Fisher, Columnist, The Columbus Dispatch
Panelists: Bill Cohen, Statehouse Correspondent, Ohio Public Radio/TV Statehouse News Bureau;
James Nash, Public Affairs Reporter, The Columbus Dispatch
Dr. Thomas Sawyer, President, Opinion Consultants

The 2006 Mid-Term Election season has been tumultuous. Learn and Earn, Smoke Free, Smoke Less, Minimum Wage, Worker's Compensation...what do the issues really mean? How will they affect our daily lives? How do fellow Buckeyes feel about the issues?

The promotional information can be misleading, and it almost takes a sleuth to figure out the true intentions of the issues. Lucky for us, we have some experts to help us decipher the puzzle that is Mid-Term Election issues.
November 1, 2006