Program Directory

Columbus on the Record - President Obama in Cleveland
1. Collective Bargaining Overhaul

Senate Republicans said yesterday they no longer will push to eliminate collective bargaining for state workers, although the workers would be allowed to negotiate only for wages. But the changes appear to make things worse for teachers.

2. Role of Unions in Society, The Economy and The government

In Indiana on Wednesday, the state Senate approved a bill that would limit collective bargaining by teachers' unions. It's the latest in a series of state efforts to rein in union power. Labor is fighting for the right to influence a wide range of workplace issues, beyond wages and benefits. Budget-cutting Republicans say it's time to reduce labor unions' role in workplace decisions.

3. Obama in Cleveland

President Barack Obama says Cleveland is emblematic of a change sweeping the Midwest, as businesses figure out how to retool the Rust Belt into a Tech Belt.

"This is a city that was founded on manufacturing," he told more than 125 business executives gathered Tuesday at Cleveland State University's Wolstein Center. "As the economy changed, a lot of people wrote off Cleveland as a shell of its former self. But you . . . knew differently."

4. Mayor Coleman Calls for Stricter Gun Control Laws

Mayor Michael B. Coleman took on gun dealers, pledged a renaissance in Franklinton and held out his hand to the suburbs in his State of the City address tonight.

With 34 victims of gun violence standing behind him on the stage - one, he said, for each of the 34 people killed by guns each day nationwide - Coleman made an impassioned plea for what he called "common-sense gun policies."
February 25, 2011