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Columbus on the Record - Update on Senate Bill 5
Gov. Kasich Marks First 100 Days as Governor

Gov. John Kasich marked his first 100 days in office by outlining what he saw as his administration's accomplishments since taking office in January.

Those accomplishments, as outlined in a news release and related fact sheet, included retaining Ohio-based companies American Greetings, Bob Evans, Deibold and Goodyear, preserving more than 5,000 jobs; getting approval for his plan to replace the Ohio Department of Development with JobsOhio, a non-profit corporation to oversee the state's economic development efforts; implementing the Common Sense Initiative to review Ohio regulations and relive burdens on business; and proposing a budget to close a projected $8 billion shortfall.

JobsOhio Faces a Legal Challenge

Two Democratic lawmakers and a liberal policy group filed a lawsuit Monday against the nonprofit job-creation board JobsOhio, claiming it violates seven sections of the Ohio Constitution.

Update on Senate Bill 5

A state law that weakens public employees' bargaining power will take center stage in Columbus' mayoral and council races this year.

Senate Bill 5 would fundamentally change the relationship between city government and its unions. A statewide referendum to overturn it is likely to appear on the ballot in November along with local elections, possibly changing the dynamics of the balloting.

Proposed Cuts to the Ohio's Utility Watchdog

The office charged with protecting Ohio's consumers in utility cases could face substantial cuts in Gov. John Kasich's new state budget, a move that is drawing criticism nationwide.

Ohio Consumers' Counsel Janine Migden-Ostrander says the attempt to cut her budget by more than half would force significant staff cuts and sap her ability to represent the state's 4.5 million consumers.
April 22, 2011