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Feagler and Friends - Allegations of Dirty Parks & Dirty Pool

Mark Naymik, metro columnist, The Plain Dealer; Jill Miller Zimon, blogger, Writes Like She Talks; Greg Saber, Freelance Journalist

Bad Parks

Many of northeast Ohio's lakefront parks are drowning in weeds, driftwood and trash, the victims of poor or non-existent maintenance. A Plain Dealer report this week canvassed three parks, Edgewater, Euclid Beach and Wildwood and found them in appalling condition. Each of these is under the umbrella of the State of Ohio which has put little money into them in recent years.

Politics on the Down-low

Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel has touched off debate with recent criticism of incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown. Mandel has called Brown hypocritical for portraying Republicans as anti-women when he was once accused of domestic violence. The accusations grew out of a decades-old divorce case. Brown's camp called Mandel's action 'despicable' while the Mandel camp says the old family dispute is legitimate political rhetoric.

New Allegations for Cleveland Firefighters

A city investigation of firefighter leave time abuse shows several firefighters repeatedly took sick days without producing evidence of illness. Others are suspected of paying colleagues to work their shifts, illegal under city law. A special investigator has recommended that criminal charges be filed against five firefighters.

Hang Up and Drive, or Else

Drivers in Beachwood stand to lose more than just money if they're caught using a cell phone or texting while driving. The city will also place two points on the violator's driving record in addition to levying the standard fine. Accumulating twelve points within two years brings about a license suspension. The state of Ohio recently enacted a texting-while-driving ban.

Goodbye to Akron Radio Great

Friends and listeners gathered Thursday to remember longtime radio talker Howie Chizek, who died last week at the age of 65. Chizek spent 38 years entertaining listeners midday on WNIR and was also respected for his charity work. He leaves a lasting mark on the world of basketball. Chizek pioneered a flamboyant style of public address announcing that's widely imitated in NBA arenas.
June 22, 2012