Program Directory

Ohio House State And Local Government Committee - 2-26-2020
H.B. 405 - Rep. Cross
To create the adoption linked deposit program
4th Hearing, All Testimony PV

H.B. 340 - Rep. Cupp
Revises Ohio's Drainage law
3rd Hearing, All Testimony

H. B. 481 - Rep. Fraizer
To authorize the conveyance of state-owned real property
2nd Hearing, Proponent PA

H.B. 311 - Rep. Greenspan
Authorizes counties to obtain a county inspector general
2nd Hearing, Proponent PS

H.B. 343 - Rep. Patterson Rep. Manning
Appropriate Money-emergency water and sewer system funding
1st Hearing, Sponsor PA

H. B. 331 - Rep. Lang
To create the adoption linked deposit program
1st Hearing, Sponsor

H.B. 487 - Rep. Green Rep. West
To increase, from one to six years, the interval within which county auditors must offer tax-forfeited land for sale and to give county auditors more discretion as to how and where such sales are conducted.
1st Hearing, Sponsor
February 26, 2020