Program Directory

Our Ohio - 6-22-2018 - Jackie O's Brewery, Many Lives of a Single Crop, Redoutey Logging
Jackie O's Brewery

Established in 2005, Jackie O's is more than a brewery - it's also a brewpub, a farm and a bakeshop. For maximum sustainability, resources and expertise are shared across all four parts of the enterprise.

Many Lives of a Single Crop

Today, corn from a single field can be used for so many different things - ethanol, cattle feed, corn syrup, cornstarch. This segment follows corn from the field to processing to how we see it in our everyday lives -- and the many different ways we see it.

Redoutey Logging

A family business located in Scioto County, Redoutey Logging was recently presented the 2009 National Outstanding Logger of the Year award.
June 22, 2018