Program Directory

Our Ohio - 8-12-2016 - Farm Beach Bethel, Seeds of Tradition, Corn CSI
Farm Beach Bethel

With just an acre under cultivation, Adam and Sarah Mancino work exclusively with hand tools, using hoop houses to raise greens and root vegetables in the colder months and sustainable practices to grow heirloom tomatoes and sweet peppers in the summer.

Seeds of Tradition

Before RoundUp arrived on the scene in the 1970s, many farmers in our state planted Ohio Certified Seeds. Today, Darke County farmer, Matt Aultman, is searching for bio-diversity and a 'made in Ohio' product. And that search is taking him back to his roots.

Corn CSI

What are zipper ears, beer can ears, nubbin ears, and banana ears? These are the names Peter Thomison, OSU Extension Corn Agronomist, has given misshapen ears of corn that are brought to his lab at OSU for diagnosis of why there are that way. His goal, to understand what causes abnormalities and troubleshooting problems that may occur in the future.
August 12, 2016