Program Directory

Our Ohio - Michelle Houts: Window to Imagination, Long Live the Queen, Barn Detectives
Michelle Houts: Window to Imagination

Kids love discovering new things. And since most kids don't live on farms, there's a lot about the rural life they can learn. Michelle Houts writes children's fiction that takes young readers to new places.

Long Live the Queen

Many Ohio crops are heavily dependent on bee pollination. But a lot of bee colonies aren't making it though the Ohio winters. A man from Blacklick is trying to develop a strain of queen bees that can better survive Ohio's harsh, wet winters.

Barn Detectives

Ohio's historical barns are sprinkled across the countryside. They often evoke a common question, "How old is that barn?" The Barn Detectives might be your best chance for an accurate answer.
September 11, 2015