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Our Ohio - Ohio's Historic Barns,
Ohio's Historic Barns
You drive by them and don't give them a second glance. Some are over a century old. Each has its own unique history and we are losing more and more every day. Some of Ohio's most interesting architecture is within their walls. They are Ohio's historic barns.

Healthy Snacks ¿

With childhood obesity on the rise, it's never been more important to make sure kids eat healthy meals and snacks. Food expert Marilou Suszko gives viewers some tips on the topic, and one of them is making sure to use local produce wherever possible.

Hirzel Canning¿

Hirzel Canning Company was founded in 1923. This northwest Ohio family operation processes tomatoes under the Dei Fratelli brand. All of the tomato growers that provide raw product for Dei Fratelli products are located within 20 miles of the processing facilities.
September 25, 2015