Program Directory

OCLRE High School Mock Trial State Championship - 2023
The Ohio Mock Trial Program, established by the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education (OCLRE) in 1983, is a statewide educational program designed to allow students to become aware of their constitutional rights and responsibilities. It provides students the opportunity to learn first hand about the law, court procedures and the judicial system while also building interpretation, critical thinking and public speaking skills. Students who compete in the Mock Trial program come away with a greater understanding of not only the principals our legal system is founded on but of themselves and the skills they possess.

Each year volunteer attorneys write a legally authentic case involving a constitutional issue that is relevant to students' own personal experiences. Training is offered to teachers to help them use the constitutional case materials in their classrooms and give instruction in methods of preparing students to present mock trials. Teachers have the option of entering a team of 5 - 11 students in an annual statewide academic competition coordinated by OCLRE.
March 11, 2023