If you've been to the pharmacy counter of Walgreens or CVS lately, you may have noticed lines are longer than usual.
Behind the counter, you may have seen understaffed and overworked employees.
From filling prescriptions to administering flu and Covid booster shots, the staff is being asked to do more with less.
It's the cold and flu season. If you've come down with a case of the sniffles or a cough, your symptoms may increase as you settle down for a good night's sleep.
When people attend a music festival, their focus is usually on seeing some of their favorite artists perform, not learning about combating opioid addiction.
Joseph Walker, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Dr. Diego Hijano, pediatric infectious disease specialist, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
William Perry and Ingela Travers-Hayward, co-founders, This Must Be the Place