Members of Governor Kasich's Executive Workforce Board met at the Riffe Center in Columbus, Ohio to discuss the current state of Ohio's workforce. They discussed the Unified State Plan, OhioMeansJobs Rollout Update, Mid-Biennium Review Update and Work Group Updates.
Members of the Board work closely with the Governor's Office of Workforce Transformation, created by Gov. Kasich in February 2012, to rationalize Ohio's entire workforce system and provide recommendations on how best to streamline workforce programs.
Additional speakers include:
Paolo DeMaria, Education First
Mark Birnbrich,
Dick Ross, Ohio's Superintendent of Public Instruction
Members of the Governor's Executive Workforce Board include:
Chairman R. Blane Walter, Vice President of inVentiv Health
State Representative John E. Barnes, Jr.
State Senator Bill Beagle
Ralf Bronnenmeier, Chief Executive Officer, Grob Systems, Inc.
Roy A. Church, President, Lorain County Community College
Stark County Commissioner Janet Creighton
State Representative Tim Derickson
Dennis Franks, Superintendent, Pickaway Ross Career and Technology Center
State Senator Lou Gentile
Beavercreek Mayor Vicki Giambrone
Mitchell P. Grindley, Vice President, Plaskolite, Inc.
Amanda Hoyt, Director of Public Affairs, Finance Fund
Julie S. Janson, State President, Duke Energy
David L. Joyce, President/CEO, General Electric Aviation
John Komor, Plant Manager, General Mills
Dennis A. Nash, Chairman/CEO, Kenan Advantage Group
Phillip L. Parker, President/CEO, Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Albert B. Ratner, Co-Chairman Emeritus, Forest City Enterprises, Inc.
Doug Reffitt, Director, Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters
Patrick Sink, Business Manager, International Union of Operating Engineers
Richard Stoff, President/CEO, Ohio Business Roundtable
Gary S. Weinstein, Chief Operation Officer, Providence Equity Partners
David Whitehead, Vice President, Corporate Secretary and Chief Ethics Officer (Retired), FirstEnergy
Thomas F. Zenty III, Chief Executive Officer, University Hospitals