Attorney General's Office Presentation:
Federal Treasury Offset Program
H. B. No. 51
Rep. Lampton
Regards valuation adjustments for destroyed / injured property
3rd Hearing
Poss. Vote
All Testimony
H. B. No. 66
Rep. Hoops
Require reporting/review of property tax exemptions
3rd Hearing
Poss. Vote
All Testimony
H. B. No. 71
Rep. Plummer, Rep. Hicks-Hudson
Exempt certain housing from property taxation
2nd Hearing
All Testimony
Sub. S. B. No. 18
Sen. Roegner, Sen. Schaffer
Incorporates federal IRS changes
2nd Hearing
All Testimony
H. B. No. 123
Rep. Fraizer, Rep. Cross
Modify the law governing community reinvestment areas
1st Hearing
H. B. No. 124
Rep. Roemer, Rep. Young, B.
Equalize pass-through entity withholding and business tax rate
1st Hearing
All Testimony
H. B. No. 126
Rep. Merrin
Regards process for local governments to contest property value
1st Hearing