"Clarifying Tax Increment Financing related to Minimum Service Payments"
Jeff Roberts, Executive Vice President & General Counsel at Crawford Hoying
Greg Daniels, Partner at Squire, Patton, and Boggs
"Commercial Tenant Property Tax Appeals"
J. Kieran Jennings, Managing Partner, Siegel Jennings Property Tax Law
H. B. No. 255
Rep. Hoops
Review and inform about tax exemptions
4th Hearing
Poss. Sub. Bill
All Testimony
H. B. No. 419
Rep. Swearingen
Exempts seasonal storage/use of non-Ohio watercraft from use tax
6th Hearing
Poss. Sub. Bill
All Testimony
H. B. No. 614
Rep. Richardson & Rep. Fraizer
Study and reform unemployment compensation system
1st Hearing
Pending Referral
H. B. No. 541
Rep. Perales
Regards valuation adjustments for destroyed or injured property
1st Hearing
H. B. No. 565
Rep. Rogers, Rep. Crossman
Extend income tax filing deadline
1st Hearing
H. B. No. 602
Rep. Rogers, Rep. Lipps
Modify publication of property tax foreclosures
1st Hearing
H. B. No. 609
Rep. West
Administer a temporary tax amnesty program
1st Hearing