"How one would define 'fiber art' today is often driven by visual and popular culture. It is an art form that is new and venerable at the same time. These differing forms are typically used in traditional ways: paper to write on, fabric to clothe, and thread to bind. Over time, the meaning of 'fiber art' has continued to evolve, as artists strive to represent their creative visions by mastering the technical challenges these materials present. The artists included in this exhibition all utilize fiber to create works of art that explore topics such as contemporary culture, personal narratives, influences, and emotions that lie just below the surface of our consciousnesses. These works take us one step closer to revising the entrenched histories of fiber." -Tracy Rieger, Curator
Featured Artists:
Laura Alexander, Nancy Condon, Oxana Dallas, Lauren Davies, Melissa Haviland, Diane Herbort, Pamela MacGregor, Emily Moores, Clare Murray Adams, Priscilla Roggenkamp, Sandy Shelenberger, Deborah Silver, Kevin Womack, Leah Wong