There are no markers for this video.
00:00:00The House
00:00:00will please come to order
00:00:11the house for a please
00:00:12come to order
00:00:20It is my honor to call
00:00:20the house to order today
00:00:23for the purpose of hosting
00:00:23the joint convention
00:00:27between the Ohio General
00:00:27Assembly for the Governor's
00:00:30State of the State Address.
00:00:32Pursuant to tradition,
00:00:32I welcome the Senate,
00:00:35the President of the Ohio
00:00:35Senate, Matt Huffman,
00:00:38to preside
00:00:38during this joint convention.
00:00:40Senator Huffman
00:00:54I call this Joint
00:00:55Convention of the General
00:00:55Assembly to order
00:00:59Is there a quorum
00:00:59of the Senate present?
00:01:02The Chair recognizes
00:01:02the President Pro Tem.
00:01:04Senator Hottinger.
00:01:05Mr. President, a quorum of
00:01:05the Senate is present
00:01:09Is there a quorum of the House
00:01:11The chair recognizes
00:01:11the Speaker Pro Tem.
00:01:13Representative GAINER.
00:01:15Mr. President, a quorum of
00:01:15the House is present.
00:01:18But we invite our guests
00:01:18to please rise
00:01:21as we open with prayer.
00:01:23We will be led in prayer today
00:01:23by Bishop Bogdan.
00:01:26Danilo from the Ukrainian
00:01:26party of Saint Joseph feet
00:01:31after the prayer.
00:01:32Please remain
00:01:32standing for the presentation
00:01:34of the colors
00:01:34by the Ohio State Patrol
00:01:36and the Pledge of Allegiance
00:01:36to the Flag and the Republic.
00:01:49will you buy your hats as
00:01:51we join Aswan in prayer?
00:01:54Dear wise and loving father
00:01:58let me say thank you on behalf
00:02:01of all of us
00:02:01who are gathered here today.
00:02:04Thank you for your many
00:02:04and abundant
00:02:07Thank you for the life itself.
00:02:10For the measure of health.
00:02:11We need to fulfill our calling
00:02:14for sustenance
00:02:14and for our friendship.
00:02:18Thank you for the ability
00:02:18to be involved
00:02:20in a State of Ohio work
00:02:20and for the honor
00:02:23of bearing
00:02:23that responsibility.
00:02:27Thank you as well
00:02:27for the freedom to embrace
00:02:30the freedom or reject it.
00:02:33Thank you for the loving us.
00:02:36We pray for our governor,
00:02:36for our Ohio
00:02:39and House of Representatives.
00:02:41And in particular,
00:02:41I am asking you
00:02:44that you graciously grant them
00:02:44wisdom to govern amidst
00:02:49the conflict of interest,
00:02:49an issue of our time,
00:02:52a sense of welfare, and a true
00:02:52need of the people we serve.
00:02:58And you thirst for justice
00:02:58and righteousness.
00:03:02in what is good and fitting.
00:03:05The ability
00:03:05to work together in harmony
00:03:07even when there is an honest
00:03:11peace in our lives and joy
00:03:15further create our God.
00:03:16I pray for peace in Ukraine.
00:03:19That aggression cease.
00:03:22For that,
00:03:22I pray for all humanity.
00:03:26Destroyed by war.
00:03:28For all the lives lost, homes
00:03:28seized and peace broken.
00:03:32May the spirit of comfort
00:03:32and compassion
00:03:35all those who dwell in fear.
00:03:39May the spirit of wisdom
00:03:39and humility gives
00:03:43strength to all the leaders
00:03:43of the world.
00:03:47May we affirm the dignity
00:03:47and right of all.
00:03:50And may we seek peace.
00:03:53For this, I pray.
00:04:39I pledge allegiance
00:04:39to the flag
00:04:41of the United States
00:04:41of America
00:04:44and to the Republic
00:04:44for which it stands.
00:04:47One nation,
00:04:47under God, indivisible,
00:04:50with liberty and justice
00:04:50for all.
00:05:11We do post colors
00:05:41Ladies and gentlemen,
00:05:42the governor of the
00:05:42state of Ohio, Mike DeWine,
00:07:57Ladies and gentlemen,
00:07:58Governor Mike DeWine,
00:08:08Thank you very much.
00:08:23Before I begin,
00:08:26on behalf of the people
00:08:28of the state of Ohio
00:08:31and all who love freedom,
00:08:34I say in salute
00:08:37Glory to Ukraine.
00:08:40Glory to the heroes
00:09:07Speaker Club.
00:09:09President Hoffman.
00:09:11Leader Russo. Leader Yuko.
00:09:13Members of the General
00:09:15and Justices
00:09:15of the Supreme Court.
00:09:17Elected State Officials.
00:09:20Governor of Houston.
00:09:22My fellow citizens of Ohio.
00:09:26The state of our amazing
00:09:29state is strong
00:09:38Ohio is strong.
00:09:48I am so grateful
00:09:48and happy to be back here
00:09:50today with all of you
00:09:50in this historic chamber.
00:09:54The first time all three
00:09:54branches of government
00:09:56have gathered together
00:09:56in three years.
00:10:00So it's truly, truly
00:10:00a great day.
00:10:04And I want to thank all of you
00:10:04for yesterday
00:10:07honoring our friend,
00:10:07our former colleague,
00:10:11former speaker
00:10:11of the House Bill Batchelder.
00:10:19At this time.
00:10:21I would like
00:10:21to invite Judge Batchelder
00:10:24and her family
00:10:24to come to the well,
00:10:28joining Judge Batchelder
00:10:45to join
00:10:49in judge batchelder.
00:10:50Her son, bill, wife
00:10:50Shayla daughter elizabeth.
00:10:54Husband Matthew.
00:10:57Sophie Aly.
00:10:59William james.
00:11:00Eleanor, matthew, bethany.
00:11:03And Mary Ruth.
00:11:04Thank you for joining us.
00:11:12Judge, thank you so very much
00:11:12for being here today
00:11:15and bringing your children
00:11:15and your grandchildren.
00:11:19It's a special moment
00:11:22for all of us,
00:11:22frankly, to have to.
00:11:26And I hope it's
00:11:26a special moment
00:11:27for you and your children
00:11:28and grandchildren
00:11:28to stand in this chamber
00:11:33in this while the chamber
00:11:33of the body that he loved
00:11:37so very, very, very much
00:11:40in Bill Batchelor words truly
00:11:44the people's house
00:11:54speaker Batchelder was,
00:11:56as we all know, an amazing man
00:11:56who never forgot his roots,
00:12:01love Medina
00:12:01County, loved Ohio,
00:12:05and long
00:12:05before he was speaker,
00:12:08when I first knew him,
00:12:08he was the go to person
00:12:12whenever a member had
00:12:12a tough legislative challenge
00:12:17and there has been
00:12:17more than one governor
00:12:20of both political parties
00:12:22who has called on
00:12:22Bill Batchelder for his help
00:12:26when faced with a very,
00:12:26very difficult problem
00:12:30in his farewell address
00:12:30to the legislature.
00:12:33The speaker reminded us that,
00:12:33and I quote
00:12:36it is the ultimate
00:12:36responsibility of all of us
00:12:40to keep our republic.
00:12:44And that we all must
00:12:44stand strong to protect it.
00:12:49And so today,
00:12:51our friends words remind us
00:12:54of our obligation
00:12:54as public servants
00:12:58and our duty to the people
00:13:00we were elected to serve
00:13:03to the Batchelder family.
00:13:05We're honored to pay tribute
00:13:08to Speaker Batchelder,
00:13:10our friend
00:13:12and a man we love very much.
00:13:15Thank you
00:13:30Thank you for coming.
00:13:31Thank you for being here.
00:13:33Lovely service yesterday.
00:13:35And we're so great
00:13:35to see all of you.
00:13:39The speaker's legacy
00:13:39right here
00:13:44Mr. Speaker,
00:13:46members of General Assembly,
00:13:48please sit down
00:13:53I'm sure it won't come
00:13:53as a shock for me to say that
00:13:56no Governor and General
00:13:56Assembly agree on everything
00:14:01There are core truths
00:14:03and fundamental values
00:14:03that we all share.
00:14:06What unites us is so much
00:14:06stronger than what divides us.
00:14:11And I know that we are solidly
00:14:11united in our deep
00:14:14love for Ohio
00:14:17and our belief
00:14:17that every Ohioan
00:14:21deserves the chance
00:14:21to succeed,
00:14:24no matter where
00:14:24their zip code, no matter
00:14:27if they live in Appalachia
00:14:27and our cities or suburbs,
00:14:30no matter
00:14:30who their parents are,
00:14:33they deserve the chance
00:14:33to get a good paying job,
00:14:37to raise a family comfortably,
00:14:39to be secure in their future,
00:14:41and to live their version
00:14:43of the American dream.
00:14:46Mr. Speaker, members of the
00:14:46General Assembly, President
00:14:50thank you.
00:14:52Thank you for believing
00:14:52in the future of our state
00:14:57and for investing
00:14:57in the things that will build
00:14:59a firm foundation
00:14:59that can lift all Ohioans.
00:15:04In my previous State
00:15:04of this State address,
00:15:08I asked you
00:15:09and I ask the people of Ohio
00:15:09to invest in things
00:15:12where the returns
00:15:12will not all be immediate.
00:15:17And I said, in many cases,
00:15:17we will not see results
00:15:21during this administration
00:15:21or even in our lifetimes.
00:15:25Yet we still must act
00:15:29and act.
00:15:32You did.
00:15:33we have invested in the people
00:15:37of our great state
00:15:40My friends,
00:15:40I want to start talking.
00:15:42I want to start by talking
00:15:43about some of the significant
00:15:46that you have made
00:15:48that we've all made.
00:15:50And then I want to talk about
00:15:53the work
00:15:53that remains to be done.
00:15:56Let's first
00:15:56talk about what we've done
00:15:58for our children, for
00:15:58they are our future.
00:16:01With your support.
00:16:03We're right now
00:16:05helping Ohio's youngest,
00:16:05most vulnerable children
00:16:07get the best possible
00:16:07start in life
00:16:09by doubling our investment
00:16:11in Ohio's voluntary home
00:16:11visiting programs.
00:16:14We're trained professionals
00:16:14meet regularly with new
00:16:18and expected moms and dads
00:16:21to teach valuable
00:16:21parenting skills.
00:16:24making important investments
00:16:26in similar services
00:16:26so that fewer Ohio and babies
00:16:29are born exposed to opiates.
00:16:32We're working
00:16:33so that children do not grow
00:16:33up with lifelong brain damage.
00:16:37From toxic lead paint that's
00:16:37peeling from their walls.
00:16:46we are ensuring
00:16:46that more at risk pregnant
00:16:48moms will have a roof
00:16:48over their heads
00:16:50because inadequate housing
00:16:50is a huge risk factor
00:16:53for infant
00:16:53and maternal mortality.
00:16:57And we've worked to protect
00:16:59who cannot protect themselves.
00:17:01The unborn
00:17:03by increasing
00:17:03eligibility levels and access
00:17:06to quality child care.
00:17:07We're empowering thousands
00:17:09more families to take on full
00:17:09time, full year employment
00:17:13promotions, higher wage jobs.
00:17:16And we've taken together
00:17:16significant steps
00:17:20to change our child
00:17:20welfare system.
00:17:21So the health and safety of
00:17:21the child always comes first.
00:17:33Because of your support,
00:17:35we have enabled
00:17:35thousands of Ohio seniors
00:17:37to stay in their own homes
00:17:39and we've helped those
00:17:39with disabilities to gain
00:17:43fulfilling employment
00:17:43and live more independently.
00:17:47In the last two years,
00:17:50we've all realized
00:17:52that when you need health
00:17:52care and behavioral health
00:17:55services, a virtual visit
00:17:55can save time and save money.
00:18:00And so we've eased
00:18:02on telehealth services
00:18:02to expand access to care.
00:18:06In December,
00:18:06I signed your House bill
00:18:08one 22,
00:18:08sponsored by Representative
00:18:10Frazier and Holmes, Senators
00:18:10Huffman and Antonio
00:18:14to expand insurance
00:18:14coverage of telehealth.
00:18:18And I'm pleased to say
00:18:18that this new law takes effect
00:18:31We are blessed
00:18:32in Ohio
00:18:32with an abundance of water,
00:18:36and we are the stewards
00:18:36of this precious resource.
00:18:40And together,
00:18:41we've taken unprecedented
00:18:41steps to preserve that water
00:18:44and make it accessible
00:18:44to all Ohioans.
00:18:47We are now, with your help
00:18:47in the fourth year,
00:18:49fourth year of age to Ohio.
00:18:52The visionary plan to rid Lake
00:18:52Erie of toxic algae blooms
00:18:56which threaten the drinking
00:18:56water of nearly 3 million of
00:19:00our citizens
00:19:02And we've
00:19:02repaired replaced
00:19:02decades old LED water pipes.
00:19:05And we have more to go
00:19:07now with the placement
00:19:07of new lines
00:19:09that never existed before.
00:19:10There are parts of Ohio
00:19:11where for the very first time,
00:19:11citizens will not have to
00:19:15travel miles just to get clean
00:19:15drinking water.
00:19:20Together we're investing
00:19:20in our neighborhoods
00:19:22to demolish dangerous,
00:19:22decaying, unsightly buildings
00:19:25and to clean up hazardous
00:19:27brownfield properties
00:19:27to spur economic development.
00:19:30And we're closing
00:19:30the digital divide
00:19:35with the goal that everyone in
00:19:36Ohio will have the necessary
00:19:36broadband services
00:19:39on which our citizens
00:19:39depend for everything
00:19:42from homework to health care.
00:19:46I want to now recognize
00:19:46Lieutenant Governor
00:19:49Jon Husted,
00:19:49for spearheading this efforts
00:20:00The lieutenant governor
00:20:03lieutenant governor has worked
00:20:03diligently with all of you
00:20:07as we have invested
00:20:07significantly in career
00:20:10education and job training,
00:20:10workforce development,
00:20:14to help give every Ohioan
00:20:14an opportunity
00:20:16to get a satisfying
00:20:16and well-paying job.
00:20:20And we'll be working with you
00:20:22in the near future
00:20:24to provide additional help
00:20:24to our career centers,
00:20:26our community colleges
00:20:26and a Four-Year Universities
00:20:29to provide them
00:20:29advanced high tech equipment
00:20:33for even better training
00:20:33for the jobs of the future.
00:20:39With help from you and Jobs
00:20:42We're positioning our state
00:20:42to become a global leader
00:20:45in science, technology
00:20:45and medicine.
00:20:49The launching of three cutting
00:20:49edge innovation districts
00:20:52in Cincinnati,
00:20:52Cleveland and Columbus.
00:20:56Think of this they're poised
00:20:56to produce 16,000 jobs
00:21:00over the next ten years
00:21:01and generate
00:21:01billions of dollars
00:21:03in pioneering lifesaving
00:21:03research and development.
00:21:08And while
00:21:09some people talk
00:21:09of defunding the police, we're
00:21:12doubling down on our support
00:21:12for law enforcement
00:21:16and we're doubling down
00:21:32We're doubling down
00:21:37doubling down our support
00:21:38for law enforcement
00:21:38by giving them more resources
00:21:42to keep the people of Ohio
00:21:51Working together,
00:21:51which states spending
00:21:54at the time of the pandemic
00:21:54by a whopping $1.2 billion.
00:21:59And we cut taxes
00:21:59by more than $3.6 billion per
00:22:09creating Ohio's lowest
00:22:10taxes in more than 40 years.
00:22:19Leaving more money
00:22:19for businesses to reinvest
00:22:21in our economy and create jobs
00:22:26and to put more money
00:22:29in the pockets
00:22:29of our fellow citizens.
00:22:37Now, I want you to think
00:22:37about this for a minute.
00:22:43Just think
00:22:45to think we've done
00:22:45all these things,
00:22:49all of them,
00:22:51during a once in
00:22:51a hundred years pandemic.
00:22:55We did it together
00:23:04Now, though, we've
00:23:04had many shared successes,
00:23:07the past couple of years,
00:23:07certainly have been difficult
00:23:10for all Ohioans.
00:23:12And we continue to pray
00:23:12for those who died from COVID.
00:23:16And we pray for the families
00:23:21my fellow Ohioans,
00:23:23two years ago at this time,
00:23:23we began our battle
00:23:26against an invisible
00:23:26and a deadly enemy.
00:23:31My fellow citizens of Ohio,
00:23:31here in Ohio,
00:23:33you did what
00:23:33Ohioans have always done.
00:23:37You rallied together you made
00:23:37extraordinary sacrifices
00:23:41and you showed the world
00:23:41that Ohioans are resilient.
00:23:46We owe such a debt
00:23:49to our health care workers,
00:23:49our nurses, doctors,
00:23:53our first responders,
00:23:53frontline workers,
00:23:55grocery store clerks,
00:23:55restaurant workers, local
00:23:59health department personnel,
00:23:59our teachers,
00:24:02all educators,
00:24:23and so many others
00:24:23and so many others.
00:24:27All of whom stepped up in
00:24:27countless ways over these past
00:24:32two years.
00:24:34This time, I would like
00:24:34to ask our Ohio National Guard
00:24:37Adjutant General John Harris,
00:24:37to stand
00:25:00General Harris,
00:25:03General Harris,
00:25:03on behalf of all Ohioans.
00:25:07We thank you.
00:25:08We thank you.
00:25:10And we thank the members
00:25:10of the Ohio National Guard
00:25:13for your tireless efforts
00:25:13during the pandemic
00:25:16and for all that you do
00:25:16every single day
00:25:20to help us and to protect us.
00:25:24Thank you
00:25:40Our Guard members
00:25:40responded to every call on ash
00:25:45during the pandemic testing
00:25:45to vaccinations.
00:25:49They assisted with staffing
00:25:49at our nursing homes.
00:25:52And most recently,
00:25:53they work in more than 64
00:25:53hospitals at 21
00:25:57testing sites across Ohio,
00:25:57preventing a crisis in care.
00:26:01During the recent Akron surge,
00:26:10and members of our guard
00:26:12also traveled to
00:26:12the southern border in Texas.
00:26:15And the border in Arizona
00:26:17to help stop
00:26:17the influx of deadly fentanyl
00:26:20and other lethal drugs into
00:26:20our state and into our nation.
00:26:45So I want to thank them.
00:26:46Thank you, General.
00:26:47All the women and men
00:26:47that you have for.
00:26:51And I went to the southern
00:26:51border and talk with them.
00:26:53It was the most
00:26:53inspiring thing,
00:26:54one of the most
00:26:54inspiring things
00:26:56for a life
00:26:56to talk to your men and women.
00:27:00Young, amazing.
00:27:03Amazing people.
00:27:05I also want to thank
00:27:07not just for the military men
00:27:07and women
00:27:10in our military regular force,
00:27:14but also in law enforcement.
00:27:16Well, I thank our firefighters
00:27:18who risked their lives
00:27:18every single day to protect us
00:27:22And we must remember
00:27:22all the Ohioans
00:27:25who have made
00:27:25the ultimate sacrifice.
00:27:27The please join me now
00:27:27in a moment of silence.
00:27:31For Marine Gunnery
00:27:31Sergeant James
00:27:33W Speedy from Cambridge.
00:27:37He died Friday night during
00:27:37a natal training exercise.
00:27:41We pray for him.
00:27:42We pray for his family.
00:27:53Thank you.
00:27:56of the General Assembly.
00:27:59This is Ohio's time.
00:28:02People are returning
00:28:02to the heartland.
00:28:05They're coming to Ohio
00:28:05because we have lower taxes,
00:28:08a strong business climate
00:28:08and a good regulatory
00:28:11made better recently
00:28:14by the enactment by you
00:28:14of Senate Bill nine, sponsored
00:28:17by Senators
00:28:17Rovner and McCauley.
00:28:21But you know, my friends,
00:28:23it's so much more than that.
00:28:26It's also about
00:28:26the great quality of life
00:28:28we have here in Ohio,
00:28:31no matter where you live in
00:28:33You're within driving
00:28:33distance of amazing art,
00:28:36great theater,
00:28:36major league sports.
00:28:41And then we
00:28:41then there's education.
00:28:43We have 1414 public
00:28:47great universities, 74 amazing
00:28:47private colleges
00:28:51and universities,
00:28:5223 community colleges
00:28:52and a host of great career
00:28:56all over the state of Ohio.
00:28:58And and we have a world
00:28:58class state fair
00:29:02that is back this year
00:29:11You know,
00:29:13there is simply no
00:29:13better place to raise a family
00:29:16than Ohio.
00:29:17Right, Fran? No place better
00:29:20there's no better place.
00:29:23no better place to live.
00:29:25There's no better place
00:29:25to start or grow a business.
00:29:28And no better place
00:29:28that provides
00:29:31more opportunity than Ohio.
00:29:34What Wilbur Wright said
00:29:37100 years ago is still true
00:29:40This way said,
00:29:40If I were
00:29:41giving a young person advice
00:29:41as to how
00:29:43they might succeed in life,
00:29:43I would say pick out a good
00:29:47father and mother and begin
00:29:47life in Ohio.
00:30:00Now is the time
00:30:00to seize our Ohio oil moment.
00:30:04Our economy is moving.
00:30:06Our state budget is on firm
00:30:08Our bond rating is the highest
00:30:08it's been since 1979
00:30:18Our unemployment rate
00:30:20is only 4.3%, near historic
00:30:23And manufacturing is
00:30:23is flourishing.
00:30:27Ohio has always been
00:30:27a great manufacturing state.
00:30:30But now now we're bringing
00:30:30in the highest tech
00:30:33manufacturing known to man
00:30:33into the state of Ohio.
00:30:37And guess what?
00:30:38The world is taking notice
00:30:41just in
00:30:47just a few short weeks ago,
00:30:47we announced the single
00:30:49largest economic development
00:30:49investment by one company
00:30:53in the history
00:30:53of the state of Ohio.
00:31:03Intel Corporation
00:31:03will be investing
00:31:06$20 billion in Ohio, and
00:31:06that's just the first phase
00:31:09to build
00:31:10a new two new state of the art
00:31:10fabrication facilities.
00:31:13To make semiconductor chips.
00:31:15Now, this will impact
00:31:15not just central Ohio,
00:31:18but our entire state,
00:31:18as many of their suppliers
00:31:22will be moving to Ohio
00:31:24To all of you, thank you.
00:31:27Thank you for helping
00:31:27make this deal a reality.
00:31:31It's a game changer.
00:31:32A game changer.
00:31:33For our state
00:31:33and will have such positive
00:31:35economic ripple effects
00:31:35all across Ohio.
00:31:38Your support
00:31:40in this legislature
00:31:40of the megaprojects legislate
00:31:43through House Bill One
00:31:43can make a huge difference,
00:31:47a huge difference.
00:31:48I will thank you for that.
00:31:59But Ohio's economic success
00:31:59is not just limited intel.
00:32:02New manufacturing companies
00:32:02are locating all over Ohio.
00:32:06They could have gone anywhere
00:32:06but they chose Ohio.
00:32:09Just just a few examples.
00:32:11Cleveland Cliffs built
00:32:12an amazing state of the art
00:32:12plant in Toledo.
00:32:15Sherwin-Williams is building
00:32:15a new research facility
00:32:18in Brecksville,
00:32:18and their new headquarters
00:32:20is going to be in downtown
00:32:22Leading aerospace companies
00:32:22Sierra Nevada Corp.
00:32:25recently set up operations
00:32:26in the Miami Valley
00:32:26at the airport.
00:32:29And then there's Global
00:32:29Cooling and Athens County
00:32:31all aimed sell in the Mahoning
00:32:34Farina and Clermont County.
00:32:36And so many many, many more
00:32:40Ohio has just taken off,
00:32:42and all of us in this chamber
00:32:42are building the environment,
00:32:46the climate in this state
00:32:47where every Ohioan can have
00:32:47a better life.
00:32:50And where
00:32:50Ohio children can dream.
00:32:53And those dreams
00:32:53can really, really come true.
00:32:58But our work is not done
00:33:04in many ways.
00:33:05Our work is just beginning.
00:33:08Ohio will not rise
00:33:08to its highest level
00:33:12until we do even more
00:33:12than we already have.
00:33:16In several
00:33:16very important areas.
00:33:20And I want to talk to you
00:33:20about those.
00:33:23Let's begin by talking
00:33:23about mental health.
00:33:28And I'm very proud of the work
00:33:28that we've started together.
00:33:31And we don't lot
00:33:32in the area of mental health
00:33:32in the last three years.
00:33:36For example, we've started
00:33:36the reform of Medicaid
00:33:44out of
00:33:44our really shared commitment,
00:33:48the multi-system kids,
00:33:48to a program
00:33:51that we're calling
00:33:51Ohio rise under high rise.
00:33:54who have multiple medical
00:33:56and behavioral health
00:33:58will now get the help
00:33:58that they need and get it in
00:34:01their own communities.
00:34:11will no longer be forced
00:34:11to give up custody
00:34:15in order to get their children
00:34:15the help they need.
00:34:17And families under Ohio
00:34:17rise will stay together
00:34:29We've also worked
00:34:29to create a landmark program
00:34:32to address the mental
00:34:32and physical needs of children
00:34:35right in their own school
00:34:38For two budgets,
00:34:38you've supported this.
00:34:41We've focused, specifically
00:34:41focused dollars for schools
00:34:43across Ohio
00:34:43to provide for onsite
00:34:46medical clinics,
00:34:46additional counselors, mental
00:34:49health services, prevention
00:34:49after school care.
00:34:52Families support
00:34:52such as English classes,
00:34:55access to health care,
00:34:56as well as new training
00:34:56and programing
00:34:59around childhood trauma
00:34:59and mental health
00:35:01for our most vulnerable
00:35:05We're helping struggling
00:35:05families get better access
00:35:07to addiction
00:35:07and mental health treatment
00:35:09so their children
00:35:09don't end up in foster care.
00:35:12And we
00:35:13have more than doubled
00:35:13Medicaid medication assisted
00:35:16drug treatment capacity,
00:35:16that capacity across Ohio.
00:35:19And if you're
00:35:20medically increased
00:35:20crisis stabilization services
00:35:24but despite our best efforts,
00:35:26it still is not enough
00:35:31Mental illness
00:35:32remains on the rise in Ohio.
00:35:35Suicide is one of the top ten
00:35:35causes of death for Ohioans.
00:35:40Aged ten to 24.
00:35:43With the rate
00:35:43rising in rural Ohio.
00:35:46And in communities of color,
00:35:49accidental drug overdose
00:35:49deaths remain at record
00:35:54The shared adversity
00:35:54of the COVID pandemic
00:35:58has worsened.
00:35:58Rates of depression
00:36:03addiction and post-traumatic
00:36:03stress disorder.
00:36:08Access to care
00:36:08still remains elusive.
00:36:11For far too many Ohioans
00:36:14and over 40% of Ohio
00:36:14children have experienced one
00:36:17or more adverse
00:36:17childhood experiences,
00:36:19putting them at higher
00:36:20risk for lifelong health
00:36:20and mental health challenges.
00:36:25Now, to better
00:36:25understand how we got here,
00:36:28we have to go back in history
00:36:28a little bit.
00:36:31Let's go back 60 years
00:36:31to the federal community.
00:36:33Mental health act of 1963,
00:36:37when hundreds of thousands
00:36:37of women and men with brain
00:36:40disorders were released
00:36:40from psychiatric hospitals,
00:36:43promised As the
00:36:43then president,
00:36:46John Kennedy said at the time,
00:36:46and I quote,
00:36:49they were promised that the
00:36:49cold mercy of custodial care
00:36:54would be replaced by the open
00:36:54warmth of community.
00:36:59Now, despite our good
00:36:59intentions, tragically,
00:37:03that promise was not tapped,
00:37:06not nationally
00:37:06nor here in Ohio.
00:37:10And that community system
00:37:11was never fully built
00:37:14Ohio closed
00:37:14psychiatric hospitals,
00:37:17but without prevention of
00:37:17residential services in place
00:37:21and without building
00:37:21full capacity outpatient care.
00:37:26Many Ohioans
00:37:26in need of support
00:37:28became homeless, languished
00:37:28in jail or in prison.
00:37:34And now, every day in Ohio,
00:37:34we have families in crisis.
00:37:37They need immediate help,
00:37:39immediate help.
00:37:40Too often they have nowhere
00:37:40to turn no idea where to go.
00:37:44So the loved ones suffer.
00:37:45And sometimes
00:37:45these individuals
00:37:48or friends or family members
00:37:48die needlessly.
00:37:53We can change this.
00:37:56we can never fully remedy
00:37:57the mistakes of the past,
00:38:00we can resolve to change
00:38:00the course of history
00:38:03moving forward
00:38:06by making help visible,
00:38:09accessible and effective
00:38:12in all communities
00:38:12of the state of Ohio.
00:38:16We can do this by investing
00:38:16significantly more resources
00:38:20in the following one.
00:38:24We must grow
00:38:24our behavioral health
00:38:26workforce, too,
00:38:30by increasing research
00:38:30and innovation.
00:38:36By building
00:38:36a community capacity for care
00:38:40that offers better
00:38:40crisis response
00:38:42services and treatment,
00:38:42increased prevention efforts,
00:38:46and more residential
00:38:46and outpatient services
00:38:53Seated in the gallery today.
00:38:55Next to the First Lady
00:38:57as my long time friend Terry
00:38:59Russell and his wife
00:39:03Rita and their son Luke.
00:39:06Terry leads Ohio's chapter
00:39:08of the National Alliance
00:39:08on Mental Illness
00:39:12I have met
00:39:12no stronger advocate for those
00:39:14suffering from mental illness
00:39:14and their families.
00:39:17The real heroes,
00:39:17as Terry calls them,
00:39:20After 50 years
00:39:20of dedicated work,
00:39:24he will be retiring
00:39:24later this year.
00:39:28my goal for Ohio,
00:39:28And I know that Terry shares
00:39:32for Ohio to lead
00:39:34the world in behavioral health
00:39:38community care and workforce
00:39:43My friends,
00:39:43Ohio can be the model
00:39:46for the country and the world
00:39:50The future Ohio
00:39:51that I envision has the best,
00:39:54most robust behavioral health
00:39:54workforce in the country.
00:39:59A workforce that is hailed
00:39:59as heroic and valued
00:40:03as a vital part of
00:40:03our whole health care system.
00:40:08I see in
00:40:08Ohio with expanded residential
00:40:11and community based outpatient
00:40:11treatment options
00:40:14so fewer of our fellow
00:40:17need to be institutionalized
00:40:17or placed in long
00:40:19term hospital care.
00:40:22I see in Ohio
00:40:22the catches and treats mental
00:40:25health problems and addiction
00:40:25at the earliest onset
00:40:29to lessen the chances
00:40:29of lifelong challenges.
00:40:33And I see in Ohio,
00:40:35where families get support
00:40:35in their own communities
00:40:39as well as at school
00:40:39so teachers can teach kids
00:40:43kids to learn.
00:40:44Parents could worry less
00:40:47because all kids all kids
00:40:47in the classroom benefit
00:40:51when every child has a support
00:40:53to be physically
00:40:53and mentally healthy
00:40:55and the opportunity
00:40:55to live up to their God given
00:41:10I say in Ohio,
00:41:13that harnesses
00:41:13the innovative potential
00:41:15of our great research
00:41:15colleges and universities
00:41:19to conduct
00:41:20strategic cutting edge
00:41:24I see in Ohio, with fewer
00:41:24emergency room visits
00:41:28and with fewer
00:41:28Ohioans with mental illness
00:41:31or living on the streets.
00:41:33I see in Ohio, where mental
00:41:33illness isn't criminalized
00:41:37Lessening pressure on the
00:41:37criminal justice system.
00:41:41In Ohio, I see fewer families
00:41:44face the unimaginable grief
00:41:48of losing a son, daughter,
00:41:51brother, or a sister
00:41:53or a parent to suicide.
00:41:56Or to an overdose
00:41:59I've seen Ohio, where shame,
00:42:02fear, stigma and embarrassment
00:42:05are raised
00:42:09I've seen Ohio,
00:42:09where mental illness
00:42:10is treated as a health issue,
00:42:10not as a crime.
00:42:14And those who seek health
00:42:17are met with respect
00:42:19and treated with the dignity
00:42:19that they deserve.
00:42:40Now, realizing,
00:42:43this vision will require us
00:42:45to take a giant step forward.
00:42:48If we build
00:42:49on our successes and the work
00:42:49we've started together,
00:42:53we can truly bring about
00:42:53lasting change.
00:42:57My friends,
00:42:57the system is broken.
00:42:59It was just never fully built,
00:43:02and it doesn't exist
00:43:06In Ohio yet.
00:43:10And so we must build it.
00:43:13We must do the work
00:43:15that has never been done
00:43:18We must fulfill the promises
00:43:20made over 60 years ago,
00:43:20but that were never capped
00:43:25and the bottom line is this
00:43:27with untreated addiction,
00:43:30mental illness will remain
00:43:30underemployed and unemployed.
00:43:35And so much potential.
00:43:37So much potential
00:43:38for people, for families,
00:43:38for the state will be lost.
00:43:42If we look the other way
00:43:46in the weeks ahead,
00:43:48I'll be coming to you
00:43:50with specific proposals
00:43:52for how we
00:43:52finish this important work.
00:43:56Now, it won't happen overnight
00:44:00and it will take a major
00:44:00long term commitment
00:44:04from all of us.
00:44:07We can create the opportunity
00:44:10for people with mental illness
00:44:10or addiction
00:44:12to build the skills to lead
00:44:12joyful, meaningful lives.
00:44:16And if we do, it will result
00:44:16in reduced community costs,
00:44:21more people working,
00:44:21more people contributing
00:44:25to the vitality
00:44:25of their own communities.
00:44:29And my friends,
00:44:31we have the ability
00:44:35we have the talent
00:44:38We simply must have the will
00:44:53Let me now
00:44:53talk about our state
00:44:55parks or wildlife areas,
00:44:55our nature preserves
00:44:58and scenic rivers
00:44:59which together really are
00:44:59the crown jewels of Ohio.
00:45:03We are blessed with a system
00:45:03of 75 and soon to be 76
00:45:08state parks with
00:45:14state parks met in Ohio.
00:45:16By the
00:45:16way, are free to go into
00:45:20many Ohioans
00:45:24discovered or rediscovered
00:45:26the state parks
00:45:26during the pandemic
00:45:30from Miami Bay
00:45:32to Geneva to Lake Hope
00:45:32the great seal
00:45:36the Houston words
00:45:36to John Brion
00:45:39our state parks add
00:45:39so much to our quality of life
00:45:43and make Ohio
00:45:43such a great place to live.
00:45:46to nature is a vital part
00:45:48of both physical
00:45:48and mental well-being.
00:45:51And our parks
00:45:51have something for everyone.
00:45:54The calming influence
00:45:54for those looking to relax,
00:45:57the adrenaline
00:45:58pumping activity
00:45:58for those looking for a thrill
00:46:01and everything in between.
00:46:04Thanks for your support
00:46:04and your investment.
00:46:07We are working to make these
00:46:07wonderful places even better
00:46:10and more accessible.
00:46:12Improvements are being made
00:46:12right now at our parks
00:46:15across the state to the east.
00:46:18We're working on a master plan
00:46:18that will connect
00:46:20fantastic places
00:46:20such as the Wilds,
00:46:23the new amazing Appalachian
00:46:23Hills Wildlife area
00:46:27that you purchased
00:46:31Jesse Owens, State Park, Barak
00:46:31State Park,
00:46:34all together to create a
00:46:34one of a kind adventure
00:46:39I'm also excited about
00:46:39the development going south.
00:46:42Shawnee State
00:46:42Park on the banks of the Ohio
00:46:44River of Gas
00:46:45will be able to Maine mountain
00:46:45bike paddle travel
00:46:48long one of the imagination
00:46:48libraries storybook trails
00:46:52and stay at a full service
00:46:55brand new experience down.
00:46:57Soon more people will be able
00:46:57to stay at the new lodge
00:47:00at Hocking Hills
00:47:00while first new State
00:47:03Lodge in more than 30 years
00:47:07and in our newest state park,
00:47:13our newest state
00:47:13park will be an old town
00:47:15and Greene County
00:47:16honoring the heritage
00:47:16of the Shawnee Tribe.
00:47:19Tecumseh and the intersection
00:47:22the Native Americans and the
00:47:22pioneers in the late 1700s.
00:47:27of the General Assembly.
00:47:30Our dream is for Ohio
00:47:30to have the best state
00:47:32parks system in the country
00:47:32in the weeks and months ahead.
00:47:36I'll be asking you to reinvest
00:47:38in our magnificent state
00:47:40As I know,
00:47:40we share a commitment
00:47:42to preserving
00:47:42their natural beauty
00:47:44and the natural beauty
00:47:45that God has graciously
00:47:45bestowed upon Ohio
00:47:49by continuing
00:47:49to invest in our parks.
00:47:53When visitors come,
00:47:53they will feel like family
00:47:57and they will say,
00:47:57This is Ohio.
00:48:08Now developing
00:48:08and showcasing our state parks
00:48:11in Appalachia,
00:48:12is just part of the larger
00:48:12renaissance happening
00:48:15in our Appalachian region.
00:48:17I want to talk
00:48:17about our Appalachian region.
00:48:20This is also
00:48:22I truly believe there
00:48:22a moment in history
00:48:27We need to be part of it
00:48:30by reigniting the pioneer
00:48:32spirit of the Ohioans
00:48:32who built this state.
00:48:34We can do it.
00:48:36One most important things
00:48:36we can do that will benefit
00:48:38not only the 32 counties
00:48:38in the Appalachian region, but
00:48:41also our entire state
00:48:41is to make a long overdue,
00:48:45comprehensive investment
00:48:45in Appalachia.
00:48:49And so the membership
00:48:50to the members
00:48:50of the General Assembly,
00:48:52I will work with you.
00:48:54I intend to work with you and
00:48:54local leaders in Appalachia
00:48:59to create an investment
00:48:59program to revitalize
00:49:02and rebuild the economies
00:49:03and the main streets
00:49:03of the area where Ohio began.
00:49:07We have
00:49:07an historic opportunity
00:49:10to dedicate resources
00:49:10to an area of our state
00:49:12that is ready to move
00:49:12and ready to flourish
00:49:16in the coming days and weeks.
00:49:17I'll work together
00:49:17with you and community leaders
00:49:20to help the region plan
00:49:20implement improvements
00:49:23that reflect the vision
00:49:23of local communities
00:49:27Investing in such things
00:49:27as downtown redevelopment,
00:49:30further expansion of broadband
00:49:33workforce development,
00:49:33student wellness and school
00:49:36and fighting, the ongoing
00:49:36battle against addiction.
00:49:40Our citizens
00:49:40in Appalachia are strong.
00:49:43They have a great and proud
00:49:45Generations have build a life.
00:49:46They're planning roots
00:49:47deep in the soil
00:49:47along the Ohio River.
00:49:50And this this is now
00:49:53Appalachian time.
00:50:16a great state.
00:50:17But there remains gaps
00:50:17in access to opportunity
00:50:20for too many of our children
00:50:20in our cities and our suburbs,
00:50:24our rural areas.
00:50:26My friends,
00:50:26we have a moral obligation
00:50:30to do everything in our power
00:50:30to remove these barriers
00:50:35and to help them succeed.
00:50:38Every child
00:50:40needs a responsible,
00:50:40reliable adult in their lives.
00:50:43And for most kids, that's
00:50:43members of their family,
00:50:46their parents,
00:50:46grandparents, aunts, uncles.
00:50:50But we also know
00:50:50that tragically, there
00:50:52are some children in Ohio,
00:50:52and they're all over
00:50:56regions who don't have that
00:51:00or at least
00:51:00don't have a consistency
00:51:04All children need mentors,
00:51:07someone they can look up to,
00:51:07someone they can count on,
00:51:11who can help them in school,
00:51:15keep them out of trouble, away
00:51:17from the dangers
00:51:17of drugs and alcohol.
00:51:21Someone who can teach them
00:51:21life skills and help them deal
00:51:24with the challenges
00:51:24of growing up
00:51:26and the added burdens
00:51:26of living in difficult,
00:51:29chaotic, stressful, complex
00:51:33of the General Assembly,
00:51:35we have the ability
00:51:35to transform the lives
00:51:38of so many kids
00:51:39who, for whatever
00:51:40reason, don't have
00:51:40someone in their young lives
00:51:43who can be that role model
00:51:43in the coming days.
00:51:47I intend to work with you
00:51:47and with community leaders
00:51:51and with our colleges
00:51:51and universities
00:51:54to create a combined
00:51:54scholarship and mentorship
00:51:58program that can be replicated
00:51:58all over Ohio
00:52:02so that no child in the state
00:52:04lacks the guidance
00:52:04and direction that they need.
00:52:08And so they can also
00:52:08have financial support
00:52:11to continue their education,
00:52:11to become career ready,
00:52:15whether by earning a credential,
00:52:21I will need your
00:52:22help, but
00:52:22I will also need your ideas.
00:52:26There are so many strong
00:52:26advocates in this chamber
00:52:29that look around for children
00:52:32We also have great examples
00:52:34already of programs in Ohio,
00:52:34such as I know I can
00:52:39in Columbus say yes,
00:52:39Cleveland and many, many more.
00:52:44We need to do this
00:52:44because frankly, it's
00:52:47the right thing
00:52:47to do for these kids.
00:52:50And it's the right thing
00:52:50to do for all of us.
00:52:53And just as I said
00:52:53regarding those
00:52:54with behavioral health
00:52:56our state's economy,
00:52:56our state will not fully
00:52:59if we leave these kids behind.
00:53:04We can't leave them behind.
00:53:06There is so much untapped
00:53:06potential there potential
00:53:10that we need.
00:53:11We can't afford to waste.
00:53:15Now, let me talk about
00:53:15another area
00:53:16that I've cared
00:53:16about my whole life.
00:53:19And I know
00:53:19you care about it as well.
00:53:21And that is highway safety,
00:53:23whether driving under
00:53:23the influence of alcohol,
00:53:26marijuana or other drugs
00:53:26or driving while texting
00:53:29driving too fast.
00:53:31Too many Ohio
00:53:31lives, too many family members
00:53:34are still being lost
00:53:34on our highways.
00:53:36In fact, last year, fatalities
00:53:36on our roads in Ohio
00:53:41were at their highest level
00:53:41since 2002.
00:53:45And we all know
00:53:45everybody knows
00:53:48because we drive
00:53:48and we see things
00:53:50that driving, distracted
00:53:50driving is a key factor
00:53:53so many of these crashes.
00:53:57There were nearly 12,000
00:54:01driving related crashes
00:54:01reported last year in Ohio,
00:54:05more than 300 injuries.
00:54:07Serious injuries
00:54:07and at least 43 deaths.
00:54:11And 39% of these crashes
00:54:11involve drivers
00:54:14who were 15 to 24.
00:54:17So we must do more.
00:54:19I believe want us to do this.
00:54:23A 2021 survey of Ohio drivers
00:54:23found that 78% of respondents
00:54:27support legislation
00:54:29to toughen our
00:54:29laws on distracted driving
00:54:42Representative Abrams
00:54:43Lampton have a bill.
00:54:46House bill
00:54:46two 83 pending before you now
00:54:51that if passed will
00:54:52significantly help decrease
00:54:52distracted driving tragedies.
00:54:5624 other states
00:54:56have implemented
00:54:57similar legislation
00:54:57and in those states
00:55:01and in those states
00:55:01they have seen significant
00:55:04reductions in serious
00:55:04and fatal accidents.
00:55:08My friends lives are at stake.
00:55:11Please pass this bill
00:55:22Let me now
00:55:22turn to our friends
00:55:22in law enforcement.
00:55:25Our current generation
00:55:25of law enforcement
00:55:27are the most educated,
00:55:29best trained,
00:55:29and most technologically
00:55:31savvy individuals to ever work
00:55:31in the profession.
00:55:34Yet state funding for ongoing
00:55:37training has been haphazard
00:55:37at best.
00:55:41Some year, the state funds
00:55:41police training
00:55:45Most years we don't.
00:55:48Professional development
00:55:48training year after year
00:55:50is something that
00:55:51every single police officer
00:55:51I've ever talked to wants
00:55:55and it also
00:55:55directly benefits the public.
00:55:59In your
00:55:59last year in your budget,
00:56:04you create a commission
00:56:04to study this problem.
00:56:07This commission
00:56:10was chaired
00:56:10by Senator Hoagland
00:56:13and had representatives
00:56:13from law enforcement,
00:56:15the community,
00:56:15the attorney general's office,
00:56:17and also include
00:56:17Representative Richardson,
00:56:19West and Abrams
00:56:21and Senators
00:56:21O'Brien and Thomas
00:56:24I'm asking you today
00:56:27please simply
00:56:27adopt the recommendations
00:56:30of the commission
00:56:30that you created.
00:56:34These recommendations
00:56:34will create a permanent
00:56:36funding source for ongoing
00:56:43Now, in addition
00:56:44to properly funding
00:56:44law enforcement training,
00:56:47we also must do a better job
00:56:47of treating
00:56:49and viewing our deputies
00:56:49or officers troopers
00:56:52like we do other professionals
00:56:52in this state,
00:56:56Abrams and Plummer.
00:56:58I've been working on
00:56:59that would help standardize
00:57:01of our law enforcement
00:57:03increase transparency
00:57:03within the system
00:57:05and require independent
00:57:07critical incidents.
00:57:09I support this bill,
00:57:11and I look
00:57:11for just signing it into law.
00:57:21Finally, we must work.
00:57:24We must work hard to support
00:57:24our officers and deputies
00:57:26by giving them the resources
00:57:26to go after violent criminals.
00:57:30I won't talk about this
00:57:30for a moment.
00:57:33We know that just a
00:57:35small number of dangerous
00:57:35offenders are, in fact,
00:57:38causing the vast majority
00:57:40of violence in our communities
00:57:40across Ohio.
00:57:47we all allocated
00:57:47two and $50 million
00:57:51to address, in part, violent
00:57:51crime in our communities.
00:57:54But we also know that money
00:57:54alone is not enough.
00:57:58our laws
00:57:58We must also strengthen
00:58:00to deal with violent offenders
00:58:01who have lost their legal
00:58:02right to possess a firearm,
00:58:02but still carry
00:58:05and use weapons
00:58:05to commit violent crime.
00:58:08Now, it's a small group,
00:58:10a small group
00:58:10of the criminal element.
00:58:13But we must target them
00:58:13and we must remove them from
00:58:18Now, there
00:58:36is a bill pending before you
00:58:36that shave this goal
00:58:39by increasing penalties
00:58:39on these dangerous felons,
00:58:42chiefs deputies,
00:58:45prosecutors, frontline
00:58:45parole officers,
00:58:48patrol officers have asked us
00:58:48to support this legislation.
00:58:53As it will help them deal with
00:58:54the most violent offenders
00:58:54in their communities.
00:58:58My friends,
00:58:58we need to get tough
00:59:00on the convicted,
00:59:01convicted the convicted
00:59:03violent offenders
00:59:03who carry use weapons
00:59:06in violation of the law.
00:59:07If we can remove this
00:59:07small group
00:59:09of dangerous offenders
00:59:09from our streets,
00:59:11the violent crime
00:59:11in our neighborhoods
00:59:13will be reduced
00:59:13dramatically and
00:59:22and most importantly,
00:59:22the citizens and the families
00:59:26who live there will be safer
00:59:26and live will be saved
00:59:37I save the best for last.
00:59:38I'm pleased
00:59:38now to introduce my bride
00:59:41of almost 55 years, First Lady
00:59:41of Ohio, Fran Dwyer.
00:59:44I asked
01:00:00Frances is and always
01:00:00has been amazing champion
01:00:04for kids at the start
01:00:04of our administration.
01:00:07She partnered with the Dolly
01:00:07Parton Imagination Library
01:00:11to create the Ohio Governor's
01:00:11Imagination Library.
01:00:14I want to thank you all
01:00:14for providing the funds.
01:00:19These funds that you provided
01:00:19are being matched
01:00:2350 50 by each local community.
01:00:27And what they do is provide
01:00:27a book each month to Ohio
01:00:30children ages zero to five
01:00:33When we started,
01:00:35only 13% of Ohio eligible kids
01:00:35were receiving these books.
01:00:40Now that number
01:00:40has risen to 43%
01:00:49so far.
01:00:50Over 6.9 million books
01:00:50have been mailed
01:00:53to children
01:00:53in all 88 counties.
01:00:56This month,
01:00:59This month we're up to nearly
01:00:59313,000 children
01:01:03who will receive an age
01:01:05book in the mail
01:01:05at no cost to that family.
01:01:09We know that a child's brain
01:01:11is 80% developed by the time
01:01:11they turn three years of age.
01:01:15So these first
01:01:15years of development
01:01:17are so very important.
01:01:19Enrollment in and Imagination
01:01:19Library improved kindergarten
01:01:22readiness and family
01:01:22literacy habits
01:01:26and no matter where you live
01:01:26in Ohio, your child
01:01:29or your grandchild
01:01:29is now eligible.
01:01:33So it's a great program.
01:01:34Thank you for investing in it.
01:01:38My friends,
01:01:40spring is here
01:01:42and everything is possible
01:01:42in the spring time.
01:01:46You've heard me talk in
01:01:46the past about my grandfather,
01:01:48who well into his later years
01:01:48continued to plant trees
01:01:52knowing he likely
01:01:52would not live to see them
01:01:55fully grown
01:01:55He did it nonetheless.
01:01:58Because he had faith.
01:02:00He had faith in the future.
01:02:02A one of those trees
01:02:02to be there
01:02:03for his grandchildren,
01:02:03his great grandchildren,
01:02:07At the conclusion of
01:02:09this address,
01:02:09I invite everyone here
01:02:12to join the First Lady
01:02:12and me on the South Plaza
01:02:15across from the Ohio Theater
01:02:15as we plant a dogwood tree
01:02:18on the statehouse grounds.
01:02:21Dogwood Tree
01:02:21Native Ohio represents
01:02:23renewal and rebirth
01:02:27We plant this tree today
01:02:27as a symbol
01:02:30of our shared faith
01:02:30in Ohio's future
01:02:33and as a recommitment
01:02:36to investing in things that
01:02:36may not have results today,
01:02:40but that will transform
01:02:53The sun is coming up in Ohio.
01:02:55The wind is at our back,
01:02:55and together
01:02:59we have the power to change
01:02:59the course of Ohio's history.
01:03:03We have opportunities
01:03:03before us
01:03:06that come once in a lifetime.
01:03:08So we must sees them.
01:03:14This is our moment
01:03:29our fellow Ohioans who you may
01:03:29have heard of, Joe Burrow,
01:03:34said it
01:03:35best after the Bengals
01:03:35advanced to the AFC
01:03:38championship game
01:03:38when he said, and I quote,
01:03:41We're a really,
01:03:41really good team.
01:03:44We're here to make noise
01:03:46and teams are going to have
01:03:46to pay attention to us because
01:03:49we are coming for it all.
01:03:52Well, my fellow Ohioans.
01:03:55So is the state of Ohio.
01:04:13Ohio Ohio is making some noise
01:04:20and people are going to have
01:04:20to pay attention to us.
01:04:24And we are, in fact,
01:04:26coming for at all.
01:04:29Thank you very much.
01:04:30May God bless all of you.
01:04:33May God bless the people
01:04:33of the state of Ohio.
01:04:36Thank you very much.
01:05:13The chair recognizes
01:05:13the president
01:05:15pro tem, senator
01:05:15Hottinger, for emotion.
01:05:18Mr. President, I move that
01:05:18the joint convention adjourn
01:05:22without objection.
01:05:26convention is adjourned.
01:05:26The joint
Note : Transcripts are compiled from uncorrected captions