00:00:15Roll Call
00:01:27Sen. Skindell motions Amend. SC 4123-1/Sen.Gentile Seconds
00:01:45Sen. Skindell explains Amendment
00:02:57Sen. Coley moves to Amend/Explains Amendment/Chair seconds
00:03:47Sen. Skindell moves to table Amendment
00:03:52Roll Call
00:04:36Amendment to table fails
00:04:45Roll Call on Amend. to Amend.
00:05:49Amendment becomes part of bill
00:06:00Sen. Skindell moves to Amend SC 4122-1 on behalf Sen. Tavares/Sen. Gentile seconds
00:06:41Sen. Skindell explains Amend.
00:06:57Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:07:06Roll Call/Amend Tabled
00:07:33Move Minutes from last three meetings
00:07:37Sen. Coley seconds
00:07:48Sen. Gentile moves to Amend SC 5104
00:08:22Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:08:30Roll Call/ Amendment to table
00:08:56Sen. Skindell moves Amend.SC 5105 on behalf Sen. Tavares/Sen. Gentile seconds
00:09:22Sen. Skindell explains Amendment
00:10:58Sen. Coley moves to Table Amend./ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:11:08Roll Call/amendment Tabled
00:11:35Sen. Skindell motions SC 5102/Sen. Gentile seconds
00:11:37Sen. Skindell explains Amendment
00:12:35Sen. LaRose moves to table/Sen. Coley seconds
00:12:40Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:13:00Sen. Skindell moves to Amend SC 5073/ Sen. Sawyer seconds
00:13:14Sen. Skindell explains Amend.
00:14:01Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:14:10Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:14:38Sen. Sawyer moves to amend SC 5076/Sen. Skindell seconds/Sen. Sawyer explains
00:17:07Sen. Coley moves to table
00:17:18Roll Call
00:17:35Table Amend. Pass
00:17:45Sen. Sawyer motions SC 5074/ Sen. Skindell seconds/Sen. Sawyer explains
00:19:15Sen.Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:19:22Roll Call
00:19:54Sen. Skindell motions SC 3292/Sen. Gentile seconds/Sen. Skindell explains Amend
00:20:15Sen. Coley moves to table
00:20:24Roll Call
00:20:59Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 5109/Sen. Gentile seconds/Sen. Skindell explains Amend.
00:21:55Sen. Tavares speaks to Amendment
00:23:00Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:23:12Roll Call
00:23:33Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 4051
00:24:16Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:24:21Roll Call
00:24:52Sen. Gentile moves to amend SC 5512-1/Sen. Tavares seconds/Sen. Gentile explains
00:25:51Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:26:03Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:26:29Sen. Tavares moves to SC 5108/Sen. Gentile seconds/Sen. Tavares explains
00:27:43Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:27:53Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:28:15Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 5091/Sen. Skindell seconds/Sen. Tavares explains Amend.
00:29:56Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:30:06Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:30:26Sen. Gentile moves Amend. SC 4898/Sen. Tavares seconds/Sen. Gentile Explains
00:31:11Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:31:27Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:31:46Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 4791/Sen. Skindell seconds/Sen. Tavares explains
00:33:07Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:33:15Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:33:38Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 2825/Sen. Skindell seconds/Sen. Tavares explains
00:35:03Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:35:12Roll Call/Tabled
00:35:40Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 5100/Sen. Skindell seconds
00:36:23Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:36:30Roll Call / Tabled
00:36:50Sen. Skindell moves SC 5089/Sen. Tavares/Sen. Skindell explains
00:38:03Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:38:15Roll Call / Tabled
00:38:40Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 5092/Sen. Gentile seconds/ Sen. Skindell speaks to Amend.
00:40:43Sen. Coley moves to table/Sen. Peterson seconds
00:40:50Roll Call/Amend Tabled
00:41:20Sen. Skindell moves Amend SC 5103 / Sen. Sawyer seconds/ Sen. Skindell explains Amend.
00:42:30Roll Call / Tabled
00:42:57Sen.Gentile moves to Amend 3423/ Sen. Tavares seconds
00:43:42Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:43:48Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:45:46Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 3591/ Sen. Skindell seconds
00:46:54Sen. Sawyer asks a question
00:47:12Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:47:20Roll Call/ Tabled
00:47:59Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 5107 / Sen. Tavares seconds
00:49:27Sen. Coley moves to table/SEn. Peterson seconds
00:49:33Roll Call/Tabled
00:49:55Sen. Gentile moves to amend SC 5101/ Sen. Tavares seconds
00:51:40Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:51:45Roll Call / Tabled
00:52:12Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 5106 / Sen. Gentile seconds
00:53:48Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
00:53:56Roll Call / Amend Tabled
00:54:18Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 5071 / Sen. Skindell seconds
00:56:53Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
00:56:58Roll Call/Amend. Tabled
00:57:24Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 2821 / Sen. Gentile seconds
00:59:04No Objection becomes part of the Bill
00:59:30Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 5097-1 / Sen. Skindell seconds
01:00:46Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
01:00:53Roll Call / Tabled
01:01:15Sen. gentile moves to amend 3265/ Sen. Tavares seconds
01:02:11Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:02:17Roll Call/ Tabled
01:02:47Sen. Gentile moves to amend SC 5110 / Sen. Skindell seconds
01:04:02Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:04:11Roll Call / Tabled
01:04:35Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 4539 / Sen. Gentile seconds
01:06:37Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:06:42Roll Call / Tabled
01:07:04Sen. Gentile moves to amend SC 3322 / Sen. Skindell seconds
01:08:08Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:08:14Roll Call / Tabled
01:08:38Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 3774 / Sen. Sawyer seconds
01:09:39Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:09:45Roll Call / Tabled
01:10:37Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 4675 / Sen. Tavares seconds
01:10:45Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:11:13Sen. Skindell for Sen. Williams SC 2990/ Sen. Sawyer seconds
01:11:40Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:11:48Roll Call/ Tabled
01:12:08Sen. Tavares moves to amend SC 3158 / Sen. Skindell seconds
01:13:49Sen. Coley moves to table / Sen. Peterson seconds
01:14:00Roll Call / Tabled
01:14:17Sen. Skindell moves to amend SC 3104 / Sen. Gentile seconds
01:15:40Sen. Coley moves to table/ Sen. Peterson seconds
01:15:52Roll Call / Tabled
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Note : Transcripts are compiled from uncorrected captions