The MetroHealth system is investing in new projects to improve community health: It's expaning its School Health Program, now in 13 Cleveland schools, by opening a clinic inside Cleveland Heights High School. And it's building an $8 million community health center at Urban Community School, part of the evolution of that campus to serve the neighborhood around it. We'll discuss on The Sound of Ideas. Plus, we'll feature our youngest Start-Up Kid, a first grader who started a craft business.
-Dr. Akram Boutros, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, MetroHealth
-Tom Gill, President, Urban Community School
-Dr. Christine Alexander, MD, Chair of Family Medicine at MetroHealth and Senior Adviser of the School Health Program
-Carol Pennington, Manager of Nursing and Health Services, Cleveland Metropolitan School District
-Scott Wortman, Supervisor of Communications, Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District
-Ameya Konduru, Founder, Crafts2You & 1st Grader, Hilton Elementary School